Just measured...
This is probably in-exact, but where my chambered exhaust passes through the 3.5" openings in the cross members, the pipes narrow to about 2.25" diameter. Elsewhere, the pipes are about 2.5" and in the chambered sections the pipes are as wide as 3".
*This would be a judgement call for you regarding 2.5" pipe through the cross member.
I don't know about with/without the connector pipe, but I think that would cut down dramatically on 'popping' when I let off to slow down, downshift or brake from hwy speeds.
Overall, the chambered system is so much louder, deeper, muscle-y sounding than my stock 2-1-2 system...I love it!
Gas mileage. :L
Yeah, mine has suffered greatly. I fear this is mostly because I cannot keep my foot out of the loud pedal because I like listening to it. IF I were driving as I did before the loud exhaust, I think my difference in gas mileage would be minimal.