F70-15 was the original size as has been noted.
The closest modern tire sizes to this one is the 215/70-15. It's dimensionally identical. HOWEVER tire manufacturers ONLY recommend these 215s for up to a 7.5" rim width (your '72 has 8" wide rims). Some tire installers may not want to install it for that reason...? I think it's actually a smallish tire on a C3 and I don't know of any 215s currently available that are worth squat (in fact there are few modern 15" performance radials that fit on a '72).
225/70-15 and 235/70-15s both will fit fine, fill up the fender nicely and only be 2% or 3% respectively off in speedo error (that's negligable). If you hunt you CAN find some V rated all season performance BW tires in those sizes from GY, FStone (PVs) and maybe General (XPs). Everything else is pretty much hard rubber, low performance S or T rated fare I'm afraid.
255/60-15 is another option - it may fit and it may not (check for front rub w/ steering turned). It should be dead on for speedo accuracy (Corvettes went to this size in '78). Once again its' mostly all low performance hard rubber fare in this size except for one Pirelli Scorpion SUV tire that's V rated.
I've never heard of a 195/80-15 and can't recommend it on a C3. The 205/70-15 is not intended for a rim wider than 7".
Short of upsizing to a 16" or better rim, I would recommend a V-rated 235/70-15 or 255/60-15 (presuming it fits) all season performance tire. There may be a few other good tire options I missed - these are just going from memory from last time I checked.