Well, I thought for sure I would pass the NY inspection this year, the new MAP cleared all the engine codes, I did the brakes all the lights are working, feeling real confident. Here on LI fewer & fewer stations are inspecting pre- OBII cars, it my regular guy, won't even repair his system this year sooooo. I passed all the safety regulations but failed emissions, said my CO was double the allowable number. my O2 sensors were good. The mechanic was kind enough to run some diags before I got there.
fuel pressure - 43lb
vacuum - 20 hg
fuel pressure leak down was about a minute (failed).
the timing was 12 deg. should be 6 deg
spark plug gap was at .45 should be .35
I am running plus gas not high test.
All of the plugs looked good not like they are running rich.
Where should I go from here?
fuel pressure - 43lb
vacuum - 20 hg
fuel pressure leak down was about a minute (failed).
the timing was 12 deg. should be 6 deg
spark plug gap was at .45 should be .35
I am running plus gas not high test.
All of the plugs looked good not like they are running rich.
Where should I go from here?