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Fall Colors

Aug 19, 2007
Oregon Ohio
2015 Z06 Callaway White, 1967 Corvette RestoRod
This is the time of year to get the Corvette out and enjoy the colors of the trees. For some it is the time to get a few more miles on the Corvette before she has to be put up for Winter. Enjoy :w
Beautiful pictures.....your car looks great in these shots. Still have a little more time to drive her.

I don't have a C1 or C2, but I do have a 2005 that really fits into the Fall colors!


I rained last night and we lost a lot of leaves. Still went out today and took a few more shots of the colors. I hope everyone enjoys both the photos of the 54 and everyone else who wants to post up their shots of fall. :w
Those are some great shots Elaine and 6 Shooter. :w

By the way Fred, I signed up today for inside parking at the Carolina Collector Auto Fest at the Fairgrounds on the 14th of November.
See you there?
No I have not yet....What day are you going? 14th? In the Dorton Arena? Inside is always nicer.;)

I'm going on Sat 14th. If you click on their website, then at the top of the page go to pre-registration form. They need to have you register by the 30th of Oct. He said they still had some inside spots open.

I am signed up too, for inside display...;)

Hope everyone had a happy holloween. :w

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