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Fall in the Adorandaks

Mike Zarnock

Well-known member
Sep 28, 2005
Deerfield, NY
1991 Bright Red Coupe
It's getting to the time when all good little Corvettes must go to sleep for the winter.... ;)
Mike Zarnock said:
It's getting to the time when all good little Corvettes must go to sleep for the winter.... ;)

Say it ain't so.............

I feel bad for y'all. Our corvettes sleep down here in florida, but it's only overnight. We get the privaledge to drive year round!
Yes, it's true. We don't get much of a driving season here. May to November. If the snow and salt are off the roads by May, we can bring them out. Halloween is the time we put them in storage. I may put 2 to 3,000 miles on the car a year, if I'm lucky.
I do envy you people in the warmer climates. My cousins live in and around Tampa and they always call and tell me they're sitting by the pool when we have 4 feet of snow here. LOL
unfortunately I had to put mine away about 2 weeks ago because it snowed already!! :mad Im just glad I put it in storage the day before it snowed!
Yup, just think of those poor guys and gals out west in Denver last week. They got a ton of snow. Well, today's Saturday and the wife and I are going for a ride to see the leaves farther north of us, if any are still on the trees.Have a great weekend everyone. ;)
nice picture, i sure do miss it up there this time of year!! i grew up in Rome, but spend most of my time in Andrews afb area now. heading up to visit family with mine for Thanksgiving, hope some nice leaves will still be on the trees by then??
Be careful there Ed. I would bet we have a little snow by then. Heck, I stored our blue `91 out in Taberg (outside of Rome) one year and had to wait until almost June before I could get it out of the guys barn. He still had a ton of snow infront of the doors. LOL
Drive safe and enjoy the time with the family!
Hey Mike,

Nice shot of the car in autumn scenery. Getting to look the same here in north central Mass. We and another Corvette couple are going to spend a few days in Mystic Conn. at the end of the month. Plan to take the vettes for their last run of the season and then put them away until spring. We live right on the NH border in a classic snow belt region - usually 150+ inches per season. From November through April I stay pretty heavily medicated.

got to love that snow belt!!!! My father has lived in that his whole life?????? he likes to visit us down here and when i station in CA. Mike my wife has some family there in Deerfield, do you know any Longo's??

take care.
Hibernation for Corvette's

B RRRRR it's getting cold ( up north). last saturday Oct 15 went for a scuba
dive down to Venice to look for megladon teeth (2 Hrs south of Tampa Bay).
1st dive wore a full wetsuit and got too hot ( 80 degree water) so did the next dive without wetsuit- mistake!! only because I got sunburnt to a crisp .
So - I'll feel sorry for you guys if you feel sorry for me ;) .
By the way , I spent 28 winters in B.C (Canada ) I'm just glad it's not 30 below with 3 feet of snow on the ground!! AND I can drive my 'vette year round.

Jamm'in Jeff :w :mad ( from sunburn)
Oh, I feel sooooooo bad for you Jeff. Next you're probably going to tell us you had a hard time picking which beach bunny blonde to rub oil on the sunburn. While we're putting on lotion for the windburn and chapped hands. LOL

That reminds me, I still need to clean out the garage so the `Vette and my wifes Blazer can get in there. (my truck stays out of course)
Enjoy the sunshine and warm weather. We will be thinking of you! :lou
I also am not looking forward to the end to the Vette season. I have to say though I would rather deal with the yearly +110" snowfall then 145 mph Canes! I hope to be able to drive mine for a few more weeks. But Halloween she gets a bath and gets the cover put on her for a winter long winters nap.
Gosh, I feel bad. Today was the first day (seriously) that I had the coupe top off - it's been too hot and especially humid here (NC, almost in SC) to do it. Haven't had the top off since May or so.

Hate to rub it in...

got to love that snow belt!!!! My father has lived in that his whole life?????? he likes to visit us down here and when i station in CA. Mike my wife has some family there in Deerfield, do you know any Longo's??

take care.

Somehow I missed this post.... Yes, we know a few Longo's. My wife went to school with Jim.

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