Dream Ride
My names Donnie. I finally got a Vette after years and years of actually not even thinking I'd ever be able to. So my wife says one day "If you quit smoking I'll buy you anything you want." The bells and whistles went off!
Been smoke free for 16 days and brought my 1979 home yesterday.
Drove 350 miles to get it. Had to change the Thermostat housing gasket before we left the sellers house. After about 60 - 70 miles on I-40 East the front drivers tire came apart from dry rot that we didn't notice before we left (tread looked great) and gave me this
Had to call Road Side Assist, a must have, because we didn't have any tools including a jack. They sent a truck to change the tire out and we inspected the passenger front tire and saw that it was almost ready to come apart so I limped down the road like Charlie Daniels in Uneasy Rider and had two new front tires put on. The backs were fine.
Got back on I-40 and after a while the Speedo went out. One of those little things.
I got way too much sun on my face and arms not thinking about it after years of riding in air conditioning. I think I even got heat exhaustion from it cause when we got home all I could was lay down with ice packs and after the sun went down take my wife for a ride. It was a long, hot, nerve racking wondering what was going to happen next, costly most miserable ride I've ever had. And I loved each & every minute of it. I got a Corvette Tan........Yeah Baby!!!!
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Been smoke free for 16 days and brought my 1979 home yesterday.

Drove 350 miles to get it. Had to change the Thermostat housing gasket before we left the sellers house. After about 60 - 70 miles on I-40 East the front drivers tire came apart from dry rot that we didn't notice before we left (tread looked great) and gave me this

Had to call Road Side Assist, a must have, because we didn't have any tools including a jack. They sent a truck to change the tire out and we inspected the passenger front tire and saw that it was almost ready to come apart so I limped down the road like Charlie Daniels in Uneasy Rider and had two new front tires put on. The backs were fine.
Got back on I-40 and after a while the Speedo went out. One of those little things.
I got way too much sun on my face and arms not thinking about it after years of riding in air conditioning. I think I even got heat exhaustion from it cause when we got home all I could was lay down with ice packs and after the sun went down take my wife for a ride. It was a long, hot, nerve racking wondering what was going to happen next, costly most miserable ride I've ever had. And I loved each & every minute of it. I got a Corvette Tan........Yeah Baby!!!!
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Kooks Corvette HeadersGet Kooks Corvette Headers at Corvette Central Exhaust
corvettecentralexhaust. com