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Fish Eyes


Well-known member
Nov 22, 2003
Rancho Cordova
1972 Sunflower LT-1
My 72 looks as if the previous owner had it repainted in the middle of a sandstorm. I was wondering if there is anything short of repainting it to remove the "Fish Eyes"?

Thanks....in advance

sounds like we had the same previous owner. it's caused by not cleaning the surfaces before painting,
I resorted to block sanding the whole car and repainting.believe it or not, i had to start at 180 grit to get the surface truly flat.
there is a cure while painting,it's called smoothie, you add it to the paint and it clears fisheyes.
after the paint dries, removal(to my knowledge) is the only recourse.sorry for the bad news, mike
yes while painting it he shouldve used fisheye eleminator,i use r/m's brand,ive also used smoothie.Was it basecoat clear coat?and are the fisheyes in the clear if it is,if there not to bad you could wetsand the clear and buff it up.But if there too deep,then like mike said sand and repaint.
Thanks for the help guys. I needed to get it back to the original color anyway.

hey pat , did you mean 2003 corvette/cadillac electron blue metallic pearl?
I just bought it for the 75 this week.looks good, got any more pics?
what color is the interior? mines black and white with newer white seats(dunno what year , split back buckets, 82 i think).I was thinking of putting it on the breather and valve covers too , waddya think?
yes its 2002 corvette,i just got another quart this morning and painted my rear clip ,since i just flared my quarters,my cost was $68 a quart.My interior is midnight blue with black c5 seats that ill be putting in this week.I even painted my block electronblue and clear coated in high heat clear.Its a great color i love it.

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