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Follow Up: Repair or Replace


Well-known member
Mar 3, 2003
MS Gulf Coast
2000 Coupe 6 speed
ok - some before and after shots of my C5's passenger rear quarterpanel and driver's front (bumper).

$571 dollars later - Shop repaired and painted. (even re-painted when they were not totally happy with the results the first time.)
Only took a few days. I had them keep it another day to align the headlights and hood.. and to touch up paint where the headlights were rubbing the aftermarket hood.

I appreciate the emails from those of you who had replacement body panels as well as those who had advice on the situation.








Did you replace or repair? I just replaced my snoot Saturday, not a bad job. Replaced the fog lamp the Coon smashed with a set of PIAAs expensive but they do light up the road.Still need to adjust headlight rotation on Passenger side, it does not come up as high as the driver side and aim is off.

am interested in possible repair of old snoot as spare, lots of critters running around at night up here.
The work looks outstanding! I'm sure it's a load off your mind to have this fix done. Can't tell it wasn't OEM, as near as I can see.

AH =- sorry for not being clear on that.
I repaired instead of replacing.

I had an offer for a used nose and a new primed rear qtr pnl for $300 plus shipping and almost took it.
Alas, $ is short this time of year with everything tied up in the new real estate magazine..
So I went the cheaper route and had a local shop repair and paint.

Driver's side headlight is still a bit off but I will work on that tomorrow.
(looks like someone changed the bulb in the past and broke off a few of the tabs inside the assembly - think I need to find a used one)
Looks like new, just in time for a new season!
Patrick said:
The work looks outstanding! I'm sure it's a load off your mind to have this fix done. Can't tell it wasn't OEM, as near as I can see.


Thanks - Very good shop and it helps that the prez of my Corvette Club is on a first name basis with all of the guys that run this shop in Ocean Springs, MS. (as well as their two other locations) I had him come with me for the initial inspection Thursday.

We found a small piece of trash in the bumper paint which is now fixed as well as some strange residue on the rear bumper from the bag they placed over it while painting..
That too is taken care of.

These guys went above and beyond the call of duty to make sure my Corvette was fixed to my liking. (knowing full and well that Corvette guys are the most anal about their Car's condition! haha) ;LOL
Yea, Just in time - NOW
shame I won't have my HRE wheels repaired in time for the C5/C6 bash on the 21st of this month..
as much as they MAKE this car, I feel I need to travel on the stock chrome Y2K wheels for that long of a distance.. sigh
(Sorry GM Junkie - could not justify the road trip but would certainly like to get over your way sometime down the line)
Rain, that looks great. It seems the decision to repair was the right one.
If I see you at the C5/C6 bash, I'll tactfully overlook your lack of HRE's :L
How about sharing the name of the shop that did such a great job. Good Vette repair body shops are hard to come by. It looks as though you found one, however.

How about sharing the name of the shop that did such a great job. Good Vette repair body shops are hard to come by. It looks as though you found one, however.


Congrats Rain! Looks great! Who did you take it to?

Another good place for body and paint work on the coast is Tony's Auto Body & Painting on Creosote Road in Gulfport. Tony did some repairs and painted the nose cap, hood and front fenders on my '94 a couple of years ago. Charged me a little over $400 and did a great job of matching up the paint. He's a super nice guy too.

Rain said:
Yea, Just in time - NOW
shame I won't have my HRE wheels repaired in time for the C5/C6 bash on the 21st of this month..
as much as they MAKE this car, I feel I need to travel on the stock chrome Y2K wheels for that long of a distance.. sigh

What happened to your wheels? I have been looking into getting a set simular but need a solid wheel.
It looks as good as new. Put a plastic Jesus in it just to be on the safe side.
Rain said:
AH =- sorry for not being clear on that.
I repaired instead of replacing.

I had an offer for a used nose and a new primed rear qtr pnl for $300 plus shipping and almost took it.
Alas, $ is short this time of year with everything tied up in the new real estate magazine..
So I went the cheaper route and had a local shop repair and paint.

Driver's side headlight is still a bit off but I will work on that tomorrow.
(looks like someone changed the bulb in the past and broke off a few of the tabs inside the assembly - think I need to find a used one)

Cost on that quarter panel is about $300 give or take a buck new. And it's really easy to take off. But I would have just repaired and painted it just like you did. The repair will likely show up in a year or two but no big deal.
Once a front bumper is painted new or not you will always get paint peeling off the bottom. Typically the top part you can only see when the hood is up doesn't look that great either on a refinish. But oh well.


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