BarryK said:
too many Bob's, Dennis's and Paul's on this forum!
I really don't know about or how the corner pieces attached. The corner pieces are actually sitting pretty good and flush as are the sides and the bottom is pretty good with only a very, very narrow gap that is consistent across the whole bottom (barely enough to even slide a sheet of paper under. The biggest issue is definitely the top trim piece along the roof line.
Everything was attached with all new clips and screws although contrary to your method (which made a lot of sense to me and so simple really) I believe all the clips were attached using the existing holes that were there.
The very odd part is that I purchased all brand new repro SS trim moldings for this and everything fit fine pretty much except the new top piece which wouldn't fit at all when we went to put it on so the top piece is the only one that we ended up going back and using my original piece - which happens to also be the same piece that was used during the test fitting and it fit perfect than and very flush so try to figure that one out! It would have made more sense if we test fitted the old pieces and than the new repros didn't fit, but in this case we test fitted with the old pieces and now that's the one piece that doesn't sit flush. :confused
If I didn't know you better I would think you are trying to pull one over on me. When I first responded to your post requesting help with an ill fitting piece of trim, I was under the impression that some body work had been done, and because of that, the trim piece no longer fit correctly.
However with this post of yours everything is getting much clearer. You had mentioned that your body man had prefit the trim, and that now that the car was finished, and painted that the trim no longer fit properly, leaving me, and most probably everyone else, thinking that the work had somehow contributed to the trim no longer fitting correctly.
However in the above post, you go into some additional details that completely change the story line. Let me try and make things perfectly clear for all who might be reading this post. Then you can respond if my assumptions happen to be incorrect.
Step 1, Your body man pre-fits the upper trim piece with the original section, and everything turns out perfect.
Step 2, The work is done, paint has finally been applied, and now the trim section no longer fits properly.
Step 3, We post on the Forum to see if anyone has a solution to my problem.
Step 4, Multiple solutions are offered, but it seems to be to no avail because the problem is always there.
Well Barry, as the saying goes, climb in, sit down, shut up, and hold on.
Now with this post of yours, ( see above ) the story line is different then was previously explained. Here is how I now understand your above post.
Your painter took the original factory trim piece, and found that it fit correctly. Then is he did all the labour on the car, and after the final painting and assembly, he is now supplied with a repro moulding, and the repro moulding no longer fits properly
Then Barry goes straight to the Forum, and asks what happen during the labour to his car, that would not permit the molding to be used. Barry, HELLO, anybody up there, we are talking repro here, and what should that bring immediately to your mind.
How many times have you heard members complaining that the so and so repro part that they just purchased cannot be used, or can be installed but the fit is incorrect. Shît, I could probably buy a car if all the complaints were accompagnied by a one dollar donation. Barry, it's a known fact repro's are just that repro's and do not necessary have the proper fit and finish, that is found with original parts.
Please go back to your painter, hand him your abused original piece, and magically, there will be no longer any problem with the labour, the rubber, the clips, or anything else for that matter, and the moulding will fit correctly.
P.S. Rather then go out and buy additional repro trim pieces, why did you not have the originals repaired and polished out ? Never any re-installation problems with them.