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Question: Frame repair

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The question is in regard to a C2 1964 frame.

I had my trailing arms taken off for replacement. When they removed the old arms they found some rust in the area where the arms connect to the frame. Would I need to replace frame or can the frame be repaired in this area? I'm told either way the body would need to come off. If the frame is repaired would it be as strong as new or only a temporary fix? I am getting mixed information and need some help from the experts so I can make an informed decision. Any guidance you can lend woud be much appreciated. I look forward to your response.

A properly performed weld reapir is as strong as the original parent material. An improperly performed weld repair is a piece of dangerous crap. I run an aerospace weld shop, and knowing what I do, I wouldn't have anyone who is not AWS D1.1 qualified do any structural welding on a critical frame attach point. Guys in body shops and in general automotive repair shops do not have proper weld qualifications, and know nothing about welding, in spite of whatever they claim (there are exceptions). Chose your welder carefully, and you'll get a nice frame repair (I welded up large sections of my '64 frame, and it's holding up great).

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