Have your dealer try this. It should be covered under your warranty. If your car isn't under warranty it should not be expensive. It takes less than a half hour to do.
Erratic Fuel Gauge Reading (Reprogram the PCM) #02-06-04-010 - (02/21/2002)
Some owners may comment about the fuel gauge intermittently indicating an empty reading and then return to the correct fuel level indication.
This condition may result when fuel blends containing aggressive sulphur compounds react with the fuel sender assembly, which may result in voltage spikes being induced on the fuel level signal to the PCM. Use of another fuel blend may reverse this reaction and return the system to normal operation.
Erratic Fuel Gauge Reading (Reprogram the PCM) #02-06-04-010 - (02/21/2002)
Reprogram the PCM with the new service calibration which is available in the January 2002, Techline TIS 2000 release. Use the TIS 01/2002 or later data update.