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Fuel Leak (front )


New member
Dec 1, 2014
Virginia Beach, VA USA
1989 Hatchback
Thank you for reading my post. I am open to all constructive information and suggestions . I am more confident because of the wealth of info and knowledge I take in from this awesome site. Thank You !
I have a 89 vette with about 134000 miles and I loved every mile of it !! I have been trying to get it back running after it sat for about a year and it was a crank no start situation. I did most of the basic things to get it back running because before it sat for a year it ran well. It sat in the elements not garaged. I changed the fuel pump and sock ,oil pressure switch, oil, oil filter (after I spent two days trying to get the seized one off:bang), a rusty fuel sending unit, cleaned the tank and changed the fuel filter. I was ready to start her up and she started right away and purred really sweet. :happyanim:I was happy and felt good about doing the few things ,some I never tried before and some I dreaded doing at all. After a few minutes I smelled fuel and was puzzled because I knew that I had tightened the filter on properly and felt good about the rear fuel line leading to the filter. So when I got out to check I noticed a fast leak up front between the filter and the engine. I traced it to the passenger side after the filter where the fuel line is fastened to the frame near the front axel kinda underneath the bottom radiator hose... Its hard for me to explain so I took pictures of the line and hope it clarifies where I'm trying to describe. I would like to know what I can do to fix this and possibly why it happened. It wasn't leaking before I changed the filter ,which was the last thing I did. IMAG1492.jpgIMAG1493.jpgIMAG1494.jpgThank You again
Do you have a FSM? I moved up from an 89 to a 99 last spring and have a well used service manual that I will give you for $20 and shipping. Had another guy interested in buying it a few weeks ago but he dropped off the face of the earth. As you can see, its well used, but complete. PM me if interested


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Check around the line at the filter. It may only appear to be leaking down below when it may actually be leaking at the filter and running down the line and dripping onto the frame. If it is not leaking at the filter, you have a cracked fuel line.
Thank You, I do have a cracked fuel line. It is leaking after the filter between the engine. I think I will just let the chevy dealer fix it, not enough info or knowledge to do it myself :ugh. Thanks again

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