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General Rambling on trading/selling


Well-known member
Oct 12, 2000
Amarillo, TX
1981 UL5
Every now and again I get this wild hair up my …. Nose :D and think about another Corvette.. Right now there are two Corvettes that really have caught my eye..... I’ve been looking at either the 2007 Indy Pace Car or the 2008 Indy Pace Car. My preference would be the ’08 Convertible :dance

As most of you know we have two Corvettes my pride and joy 1981 and our 2003 Anniversary Convertible.

I have approached 4 different advertisements about trading ;LOL YES I know it takes a fool to think he can come out trading 2 cars for one :eyerole I thought maybe somewhere out there a dealer would actually consider it and even look at it in $$$ instead of the Dealer speaking RETAIL on their Indy car while speaking WHOLESALE on mine :mad

As I have laid this out for them and discussed this on the phone with 3 of the dealers, they can’t see past the Retail verse Wholesale thing..

Here is one example of what I’m talking about:
I approached a dealer selling a 07 on Ebay. Buy it now feature was $37,780.00 So I approached it this way.. Average RETAIL on my ’03 is between $28,000.00 & $30,000.00….. trying to put a figure on my 1981 is bit more difficult, but I said it would sell in todays market for around $14,000.00 to $15,000.00.

I wanted $24,500.00 for my ’03 and $13,500.00 for my 1981.. or he could message the figures anyway he wanted just so long as my 1981 & 2003 total trade equaled the value of the 07 Pace Car…

You would have thought I stole his best hunting dog and sold it to meat processing company :eek
Best they would do was $10,000 difference with the trade of my two for their one.. :mad I basically told him ain’t no way that is going to happen.

After it didn’t sell on Ebay for their Buy It Now price $37,780.00 they called me back and said they could go with $8,500 difference… I laughed and said “I Bet You Would” Good luck with the sell of you 07. Then I told this guy not to bother calling again as I have written off the 2007 … might as well keep looking for what I really want and that is the LS3 2008 Indy Pace Car Convertible. Maybe even put both mine on the market this spring just to see…

As you can see …. Ain’t much happening around Amarillo, TX today, ;LOL so I thought I’d up my post count :eek


Here is the Ebay Ad
I've got an 08 vert for sale .Junkie said he could turn it into an Indy in about two days .If ya want the cheap version I could do a Spud Speedway in a day .:D
I seriously doubt an 08 Indy Pace will be anywhere near my garage this Christmas... There is next Christmas :D

I have never really bonded with the 03 Anniversary ;shrug not like I have with other Corvettes I've had.

I had a 93 that was such a pita and spent more time at the dealership than my garage. I traded that for a new BMW 740iL and swore off Corvettes for a few years, until I got RARE in 1998..

There is just something about that 2008 Indy Pace Car :dance me likes it :dance

:thumb Tom,

I contacted them and we are no where near what I would consider a good or even fair deal.

The staff at McCarthy / Morris park Chevrolet, Overland Park, KS. were very polite and very stuck on their $42,988.00 for their 2008 Pace Car..

Book on the 2008 ranges from a low retail of $38,900 to a high retail of $45,000 so I guess with the low mileage on the clock they probably are just a "little high" in their pricing.

Rare books at a low retail of $12,845.00 and a high retail of $26,420.00 (Ya right in a great economy where 2 fools meet, maybe :eyerole)

Abby books in at a low retail of $21,845.00 and $25,875.00 at the high retail end of the $$ spectrum..

I was hoping for the perfect deal :chuckle my two for the 08 Pace Car.. hey a guy can dream can't he :D

They want $13,000 difference to trade :eek let me see...
would be a grand total of $29,988.00 I don't even want to know how that is split up between RARE and ABBY :nono

Thanks Tom no skin and no 2008 ;) and not out anything for trying :thumb

Bud, have you ever thought of owning 3 corvettes (if Nancy would allow it)? I was curious about the Overland Park 08 pace car as Billy Rericker traded his 08 pace car in Overland Park for his current Callaway. You weren't at the non cruise fest in 09 in BG, but he had it there. It was an auto with paddles. Wonder if it is the same Corvette, although Billy got his Callaway thru Superior in OP, Kansas.
You could always purchase the pace car and then wait till you got your price for Abby. As was stated in a previous post, it's only money and if you don't spend it, we have a President who will try to take it form you thru some kind of fee (maybe a corvette owner's tax). Keep on trying, you'll probably succeed in you quest. May the Force be with you on this endeavor.

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