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Glove Box Keys


Well-known member
Oct 26, 2008
66 Roadster Glen Green/Saddle
A note of thanks to Pete Lindahl. I had lost my original keys for ignition and doors and glove box. Pete had replacements and his service was prompt and the keys worked perfectly.

What we discovered in the process. My ignition key also opened my glove box. Pete mentioned that only twice has he seen this. I am curious if any of you have the same situation where the ignition key opens your glove box. My locks are original.

I have inserted his email to me on how this works:

Jack - This is great. You're on your way to being a locksmith ( I can't used capital letters because I'm not a Locksmith). I have no reason to think the GB lock cylinder is not the original because it has the KEY # stamped on it and because as long as the GB lock is open and they can get into the GB most folks don't replace the GB lock unless it's locked and they want to get into it and they don't have, i.e., lost, the key
Ign/Door - KEY #xx223 = KEY CODExxx353
GB/ST - KEY #xx322 = KEY CODE xxx353
OK, Jack you are going to find this very interesting. If you recall, you indicated that the ignition/door key operated the glove box lock and I asked again if that was so and you confirmed. Well if you look at the KEY CODEs (these are the 6 depth cuts on the key) for the 2 keys (and the tumblers of the associated locks) the last 4 numbers x353, i.e the 4 depth cuts from the point of the key shaft, are identical and since the GB lock cylinder only uses these 4 key cuts because it only has 4 tumblers, both keys will work the GB lock; but the GB key will not work the ignition or doors because these locks have 6 tumblers so all 6 depth cuts would have to be identical. i.e., the same KEY CODE, which of course would mean the keys would have the same KEY # but the ignition/door key would have the octagon head and the GB/ST key would have the round head.
This is interesting and fun.

I wonder if the factory by accident used a glove box lock that matched my ignition key. Let us know if your key works on both.


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