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Question: Guide Y-50 Side View Mirror

56 Vette

Sep 20, 2002
1956 Venetian Red
On the Guide Y-50 Side View Mirror, is it possible to stiffen the ball joint motion between the mirror frame and the mirror? Thanks.
Hi Keith,

I don't have mine available where I can look at it but, if I remember correctly, there is a spring steel piece that captures the ball inside of the mirror. If it loosens the mirror is sloppy. Of course you can't see any of this without removing the mirror glass. I also am not sure how the spring is retained. I'd guess rivits.

It seems like there was an article in the Restorer at one time about this. Try searching the NCRS Restorer magazine articles archive on the NCRS site. www.ncrs.org . If you can find the issue number I can dig it out and scan the article for you.


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