Have a 3-position slide-switch (toggle-switch will do as well, -the common ground is not switched) and simply bought two more sensors identical to the OEM one employed on the eng.block that routes to the watertemp.-gauge, --so with the second and third necessarily identical Temp.sensors screwed into the suitably adapted drain-plugs in the Engine and Transmission, --I can instantly check the temperature of each one at a time naturally (click, -click, -click)!!! If your eng./Oil-temp. is running 250f or more, you really need to be running Mobile-1 eng.oil (which is good up past 400f, --but ordinary fossil-oil starts to burn at 250f; --but with the cooler on your Trans., you've definitely got that well under control; --as the seals will soon give-up when Trans.-temp hits 250f). So anyway you see, with my suggested innovative method you just have two more wires going to your water-temp.gauge (or if preferred, three wires to the switch, and just one switched-wire going to the OEM temp.gauge, -make yourself a simple circuit-diagram sketch so you can clearly see how my idea works); --its really slick; --never understood why the factory-guys never had the brains to provide this dirt-cheap 3-in-1 system (maybe they will once they read this, ---probably someone will get a promotion for presenting it)...
~Bob VonHeck
:confused :eek :TALK :dance