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Hats Off To CAC

Mike Terry

Well-known member
Jan 2, 2007
Greenwood, Indiana
63 SWC and 67 Coupe F/S 54 Corvette NFS
My hat is off to all the people on CAC who look at and read all the post and decide if they should stay or go. This Forum is what I call the real Freedom of Speech. Unlike other Forums where they delete, freeze or remove topics that are of intrest to other Corvette people. Just trying to get to the truth is what is important. If someone or a group of people are doing something to take away from the Corvette hobbie by being untruthful or dishonest then they need to be exposed :puke. If they are doing something that is good for the Corvette hobbie then they need to be bragged on :beer. This Forum (CAC) looks like that is what they are trying to do. MY HAT IS OFF TO ALL WHO RUN IT.:upthumbs:upthumbs:upthumbs
I agree. Well said, Mike.
That is what I'm trying to do here.

There's basically only 3 remaining privately owned Corvette forum sites that I'm aware of and we're one of them.

The others have been gobbled up by companies. Over the years, I've been approached by some of those companies to sell the CAC, but regardless of the money they offer, I have no desire to do so.

I started this site nearly 10 years ago (our 10 year anniversary is actually April 1, 2010), and I've put a lot of blood, sweat and tears into it. I started it because I love the Corvette and I love the hobby and I wanted the Corvette Action Center to be THE site to come to for accurate information on the marque.

While I can't guarantee that all of the information provided here is accurate, I try to do the best I can to insure that it is.

Admittedly, C1 Corvettes don't do much for me, but I appreciate what they are, how they look and what they represent for the marque.

Just a short digression and I'll get back on topic:

A few weeks ago I attended an NCRS event down in Marlborough, MA. I checked out all of the Corvettes in the building that were being judged.

One of the cars that stood out to me was a 1957 fuelie - black with silver coves and a blue interior. All I could think of was, "My God...this is freakin beautiful!" The paint - I assume enamel or laquer....was like looking into a black pool of water under the florescent lights. And that color combination was just amazing!

Anyway....I digress...when issues like this come up with 1953 #29, my desire is to get to the heart of the matter, strip away the BS and get down to the facts and ultimately, the TRUTH.

Sometimes I'm not always....gingerly about it because I don't have the patience to deal with BS and dishonesty, especially when it comes to a car that I'm passionate about. However, I do the best I can to try and keep topics like this on-topic, and unemotional. Once emotion starts coming into the picture, it clouds the overall goal of obtaining the truth.

That isn't always easy to do, but I try to do the best I can.

As far as the situation with #29 goes, I've read the emails and PMs that some of you sent me yesterday. There's really not much more I can say or do because all I have to go on is someone's word. I don't have the time or funds to fly out to New Palestine, IN and inspect Roger's #29. I don't have the time or funds to fly down to FL to inspect the #29 car down there.

So until this issue is solved by professionals that can take the time to conduct the proper investigation and validation necessary, it's probably best I slip back into the darkness and just observe.

I would like to see the discussion of these #29 cars continue here as more information comes to light.
Having started this mess with a little help from a friend SebringBill (LOL) I want to assure everyone the proper channels are being used to resolve the matter. It is time to let those working in the background complete thier mission and report on the roadblocks they encountered and how they were overcome.
Rob we appreciate your patience on this one, in the end justice will be served.

Rob, the #029 in queston is NOT in Pendleton. This car is owned by Roger Roberts in New Palestine, IN, according to the CAC 1953 Registry.

I know that it was an honest mistake in your last reply but I do not own it and have nothing to do with it, what so ever.

Brett Henderson
Sorry. you're right. The coffee wasn't circulating through me at that time. lol
Thanks for clarifying, Rob. :thumb
This great site!

I'm in agreement with the above, this is an OUTSTANDING site and I always hit it to get the latest with the #1 American Sport car - Vette.

I like how we all seem to avoid decending into immature reaction posts and remain on topic ( mostly ) to make intellegent points - such as the top-level performance of the Vette and all the victories in world racing.

Hats off to Rob and all others running this site :beer

You Rock - RAAAAAWK!!!!
Thanks Rob. :w Ten years is a lot of time spent on doing what you have done. We all need a good solid forum to try to keep the Corvette hobby going. Please continue the fine work you and the mods have provided.

Thanks for the great open forum!
Thanks Rob. :w Ten years is a lot of time spent on doing what you have done. We all need a good solid forum to try to keep the Corvette hobby going. Please continue the fine work you and the mods have provided.
Thank you. It has been a lot of time, and it seems like just yesterday when I rolled out the site live for the first time.

I'm extremely proud of what we have here and the members that make up the walls of this site. Thank YOU!
I said this before, this website is truly unique. Its run by folks who appreciate the hobby and the exchange of information among its members first– not satisfying vendors and helping them sell stuff that may or may not be an asset to the Corvette community that populates the forum.
Interesting post, but I agree with the positive comments, especially those by Rob and the fact that he has not sold the site - I hope he never does in my lifetime. Maybe if we got more supporting members, but neither Rob nor the staff solicit funds, so it remains voluntary. I am happy to be a supporting member and appreciate all the info and help I have gotten from the CAC members. I try to use the supporting vendors for Corvette items. It is the least I can do for the site.
If you have not attended a Cruise Fest, you really owe it to yourself to attend - you get to make friends with the greatest corvette owners on the planet and the friendships are truly cherished. I tell every corvette owner I see about the site. Maybe we could get one location on the site that we all could access and print a fact sheet or something with info about CAC to give to non members. This way we might be able to not only keep the CAC site solvent and active, but continue the LT4Man's crusade to Save The Wave.
:w Barrett, and everyone :w

At the top of the page is tab called "Home" the first item in the drop down menu is "About Us". This page is a brief about the Corvette Action Center. A little History of our site and what we are about.

It also is available in a printed format. Near the top of the text is a tab for "Print Format" ;)

I've known Rob for a number of years, and I know him to be very honorable and a man of his word. AND I might add he is very good with the written and spoken verison of our English Language. He puts out an extremely well written article every so often and enjoys nothing more than learning more about Corvettes.

Thank you to all that enjoy the Corvette Action Center and believe in the Community we are building here in our little corner of the internet. :thumb

Bud Dougherty
Forums Administrator
:w Barrett, and everyone :w

At the top of the page is tab called "Home" the first item in the drop down menu is "About Us". This page is a brief about the Corvette Action Center. A little History of our site and what we are about.

It also is available in a printed format. Near the top of the text is a tab for "Print Format" ;)

I've known Rob for a number of years, and I know him to be very honorable and a man of his word. AND I might add he is very good with the written and spoken verison of our English Language. He puts out an extremely well written article every so often and enjoys nothing more than learning more about Corvettes.

Thank you to all that enjoy the Corvette Action Center and believe in the Community we are building here in our little corner of the internet. :thumb

Bud Dougherty
Forums Administrator

Bud, thanks for reminding me about the About Us section. I was aware of this and read it when I first joined the CAC. What I was suggesting was a 3 X 5 printable item (or business card size) that is similar to the post card that Andre showed me at Fun Fest this year describing CAC. I believe that Corvette owners are more receptive to a post card or business card under the wipers or stuck in the driver's side window to promote the site rather than a 8 X 10 paper. That way some of us can use the Avery business card sheets or 3X5 sheets to print our own CAC business cards or post cards to give to other Corvette owners. It was only a suggestion; again thanks for the reminder, I appreciate it. BTW how are Abby and Rare doing this year?
My hat is off to all the people on CAC who look at and read all the post and decide if they should stay or go. This Forum is what I call the real Freedom of Speech. Unlike other Forums where they delete, freeze or remove topics that are of intrest to other Corvette people. Just trying to get to the truth is what is important. If someone or a group of people are doing something to take away from the Corvette hobbie by being untruthful or dishonest then they need to be exposed :puke. If they are doing something that is good for the Corvette hobbie then they need to be bragged on :beer. This Forum (CAC) looks like that is what they are trying to do. MY HAT IS OFF TO ALL WHO RUN IT.:upthumbs:upthumbs:upthumbs


..spoken like a true American who has never been booted off.....
I hope you can stay independent. This is a great website. Just curious, what are the other two "still private" websites?

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