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Aug 9, 2003
2000 yellow convertible
Hello i will like to no where is the sensor that is command the headlight to open when it's became to come dark outside on my 2000 corvette ?

thanks and have a good day

That feature is called Twlight Sentinel and is located in the options menu on your Driver Information center. Press the option button until you see Twilight Sentinel in the center display then press reset to toggle between on and off.

I thought all Canadian export models had that feature permanently on? Is your vette a US spec?
thanks RANDY for the tip

I believe the sensor itself is somewhere on the dash. I'm not exactly sure where, and don't have access to my vette here at work. I'm sure someone here knows and will help out shortly.

Thanks A Lot Tammy And 6 Shooter For The Tips Have A Good Day

It is commonly known that the Vettes activate the twilight sentinel way too soon. This puts strain on the headlight motors with their plastic drives. My car is Canadian but why could I not get a module or a program to switch it to American and be rid of the flipping of lights??

DoomDriver said:
My car is Canadian but why could I not get a module or a program to switch it to American and be rid of the flipping of lights??


Maybe the Canadian government thinks Canadians are not capable of knowing when to turn on their own headlights??;shrug
There is a big differnce in Canada between what the people think and what the government does. We pride ourselves on supporting minorities and being a nation of tolerance and understanding but this often leads to laws and decisions that the majority of Canadians don't support and even are ashamed of.
I hate to say this but you may be correct?!?

That said, its still the best place in the world to live and driving the Vette 6 months a year makes us really appreciate the summer!

Maybe if you talked to a sympathetic dealer he could use his Tech II to turn off the twilight sentinel for you.
Hmmm my eyeballs make pretty good daylight and dark sensors...even at my age! But it seems there must be a way to turn the sensor off even in Canada! It's so far north up there, it may be dark most of the time! :)
I have an 02 manual that shows the Ambient Light Sensor in the defrost area of the dash. Maybe this will be of some help.

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