heater core replacement trick.
Its worth trying this, a few years ago i did this on a old buick electra.and it worked.disconnect both heater hoses and bung them at the water pump to save your anti freeze , get a couple of wine bottle corks or rubber bungs,have them ready, go buy a bottle of radiata stop leak, the one i used years ago was bars leak, i dont even know if its still available,get a watering can or a hose going from your hot water supply, fill with very hot water and poor it into one hose into your heater core let it run untill it comes out the other hose,this is to heat up the whole core, then finally bung up one of the hoses and add the stop leak whole bottle, then add the very hot water until the whole system is full then bung that end and leave it for aprox 3 to 4 hours,after that remove the bungs flush it out again with hot water , and re connect the hoses, add water as required,. i personally would not use this in the whole radiator system as it can restrict the flow, but in heater core not such a problem. regards wayne.