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Heater on 84'

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I have a 1984 Corvette and just purchased it I had the heater on for like 5 minutes while driving and it didnt warm up much at all. The Engine temp. was at around 180 degrees so that shouldnt be the problem. Can anyone help me?
do you have climate control or a lever to adjust the temperature?
You may have several things going on.

First, look behind the passenger tire on the firewall where the heater hoses go into the dash. You should see a valve with a vacuum line on it. This valve is right in the heater hose. It could be stuck, or the prior owner might have cut it out because it was leaking.

Or, they may have looped the heater hoses with a bypass as the heater core or the valve was leaking.

Also, it may have a 160 thermostat in the engine. If so, it will take some time for it to heat up enough to really feel, even if the gauge says 180.

Most of the time you will find the heater has been bypassed, or the heater control valve is sticking or the vacuum hose has come off.
84 heater valve

Yes my heater valve is leaking also. Someone was saying I could put a manual valve in the coolant line to shut it off to the core for summer, then turn it on for winter. My question is which hose do I install the valve in, and do I only need 1 valve?


That valve can be replaced for about 100 bucks.
Check ebay...I got mine replaced for 40.00.....dealer wanted 115.00.....
Unless you are after NCRS correct repairs, you can go down to the auto parts store and find a suitable replacement. I found a nice plastic one for a Chrysler product that fit my 85 perfect for maybe $20 or less.
plastic one

Cool, I just got back from Menards! I was in the plumbing section trying to find a low cost solution to my problem. What year Chrysler product? I am up for anything at this point. Gotta Drive ya know....

Thanks !
Vette4one...I have the correct valve sitting on my shelf for your car...The only thing wrong with it, is a tiny bit of hot water leaks past the internal workings. By doing this it makes in a little bit harder to cool down with the AC. Other then that its perfect. Only thing it will cost you is a donation to


The amount is up to you.

Thanks, but thats what my valve is doing already. I think I will pass on that one.
Re: plastic one

vette4one said:
Cool, I just got back from Menards! I was in the plumbing section trying to find a low cost solution to my problem. What year Chrysler product? I am up for anything at this point. Gotta Drive ya know....

Thanks !

I don't recall. What I can tell you, is the parts guy was cool with it, and let me have access to his shelf with the valves. I studied my original one, so I knew which way the valve turned when vacuum was applied.

I then checked out the valves behind the counter one by one, and found a match pretty quick. All I remember is it was Chrysler. I won't swear to it, but I think it was to fit the basic platform they used to have for everything...2.2 engine, in the Daytona, Acclaim, Sundance, Spirit, etc. etc. for a early 90's model.

Got one of those chrysler heater valves you mentioned. Worked Great! Thanks a bunch! 1 more question. The water temp is running at 180. What should the oil temp be? It is running at 210.


E S L:)
I am glad you found it, and made it work. It should have saved you a lot of money and time.

What model Chryser was it for? I still can't remember. In fact, I may have never found out, as when I saw the visual match, I just bought it without asking.....

Your oil temp will almost always run different than the water. On the cars with the oil coolers, it will run cooler most the time, and on non oil cooled models, it will run hotter.

Yours sounds about right.

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