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hei on a '64

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;helpi bought a zz383 to go in my '64. i want to put an hei distributor in it but don't want to lose my mechanical tach, is there a way to have both? also any suggestions on headers to go on the d port heads? thanks i appreciate all the help as i stumble through . vinceh :beer
MSD makes a distributor with Corvette tach drive. Part no. 8572. Not exactly an HEI because you have to use a 6A or 6A-L box with it. Also much more expensive than the typical HEI. Distributor is $350 and 6A box is $185 at Summit. I've been running this setup on my 63 with good results.
here is a link for the D.U.I HEI distributors.
their model #15720 is a mechanical tach drive unit. A bit pricey though....


why spend almost $500 on an HEI tach drive unit though? There is absolutely nothing wrong with a properly set up points distributor. The original points distributor in my '65 L76 I had rebuilt and recurved on a Sun Distributor Machine and it goes to redline at 6500rpm perfectly. In fact, I've had my motor and that distributor to 7500rpm with no missing or breaking up from points float.
Good point Barry. :chuckle

You can use an MSD box with a points distributor also if you want to pump it up a little. A properly set up points distributor will do everything you need on the street. I bought a new Mallory HEI non-tach drive for my last engine (stepside) because I didn't have anything in the shop that didn't need a total rebuild. Parts alone were going to be more than the new HEI from Summit. Needing tach drive does bump up the cost a bunch though.


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