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Help - 1961 Windshield Washers


New member
Aug 1, 2010
The Villages, FL
1961 White/Silver/Red
Just purchased a 1961 Corvette.

The wipers work OK but the washers don't.
It appears to all be there including the vacuum tank.
I can not find any troubleshooting tips on the washers.
I have an assemble manual and the ST-12.
Anyone know how to troubleshoot the washers.

Just purchased a 1961 Corvette.

The wipers work OK but the washers don't.
It appears to all be there including the vacuum tank.
I can not find any troubleshooting tips on the washers.
I have an assemble manual and the ST-12.
Anyone know how to troubleshoot the washers.


I'd call Tom or Jay Maxwell at Capital Auto Restoration in Gaithersburg, Maryland, (301) 948-9481; they're the "gurus" for C1 wiper/washer systems. They can help you trouble-shoot the system, and have any parts or restoration services you may need. :)
Hi John,

Thanks for the reply,

I just moved from the Gaithersburg area to Florida.

I will check them out.

Thanks again,


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