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Help on dial up right now... Rim help..


Well-known member
Feb 17, 2003
White 66 vert
Okay I don't have the ability to get on DSL while out here in Knoxville and have been debating on getting a set of steel rims to run hubcaps on the 66.. Got a fair deal on a set of restored 66 hubcaps today and need some wheels now... BTW... The Expo in Knoxville is DEAD!! I've been for the last four years and today was like a ghost town... Any way back to the issue at hand.. I would like to know what a fair prices is on a set of 67 DC 15x6 wheels and or a place to get a set of 65/66 Steel wheels.. Thanks guys and dial up stinks or I would be searching myself.. I feel for you guys that are on dial up all the time... Dave...
Thanks that gives me a little bit of an idea of how much a set of DC wheels or what I would rather have is the 65/66 Wheels but I'm not to choosey.. There was a guy selling a set of DC wheels for 275 but I thought that was a little high... Maybe not.. A friend and I were having a discussion that it was posted sometimes that people had problems with hubcaps staying on the DC wheels.. Any truth to this? Sorry for all the questions just a new area for me... Dave...
youwish2bme said:
A friend and I were having a discussion that it was posted sometimes that people had problems with hubcaps staying on the DC wheels.. Any truth to this?

Not that I know of - the "DC" wheel has exactly the same rim flange section as every other Chevy steel wheel; I know several guys that have them on 65's and 66's (painted black, with full wheel covers) and they haven't had any wheel cover retention problems.
Thanks John and Owen, I went back by the guy and he had sold them (the DC) to someone for 250... Oh well I asked them about just 15x6 steel rims and they have a bunch of em.. Just none with em.. The will sell me five for 100... Sounds good as I don't ever plan on running beauty rings and center caps... Thanks guys. I appreciate it.. Once again dial up stinks... Dave
youwish2bme said:
A friend and I were having a discussion that it was posted sometimes that people had problems with hubcaps staying on the DC wheels.. Any truth to this? Sorry for all the questions just a new area for me... Dave...

No retention problem, but they dont sit square (they distort) and are hard to remove and replace without scratching the wheel - which is why I cut 3 slots in the mounting surface of each cap about equally spaced and 1 inch long.

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