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Help Rear License Plate


May 31, 2003
Great Lakes
1999 Nassau Blue Coupe
Being new to C-5's and having just bought a 99 Coupe, how does one take off the license plate surround so I can bolt up the plate. I looked in the owners manual but I found nothing on mounting the rear plate. I pulled on the surround but I am fearful of breaking it. Any help would be appreciated. Jeff
les said:
Have you tried taking the license plate off?:duh

The problem I have is getting a plate on it, however, on another forum I was instructed to use a small screwdriver to release the four side tabs and boom off comes the surround and I now have the plate on and I'm good to go. Thanx for the reply tho! Jeff
les said:
You meant the front cover? :duh

Nope it's the black plastic surround on the rear plate. Fortunately, MI has no front plates. Jeff
The surround is held in place by clips (small tabs) that are part of the entire one piece of plastic.

Pry-up one corner of the surround and pull it towards you, the plastic clip will release on that corner. Then you can work your fingers under the surround to the other side and pull the entire unit off.

After screwing in the license plate, just snap/bump the surround back into place.

I did this several times on my 98 and 03 and never broke a clip off. Just make sure you pull as close to the clips as possible.

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