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May 1, 2011
I just bought a 67 bb and joined this forum last night looking for help. At purchase, the car was running at the auction and did turn over a few times. The battery was an 04, so I assumed that was the problem, since the previous owner claimed he put in a new alternator just before selling. I tried to start the car a day later as did the haulers, before taking it to a storage facility before having it shipped back to my home state, and nothing. It was in storage for two months. They put a charger on it and said it never came back. I can tell that the haulers tried to get it started several times and I am wondering if they happen to hook it up wrong and something got burnt up? Once I got it home, I put in a heavy duty battery and nothing and I mean nothing. I have no juice at the fuse block. Since NOTHING WORKS, could it be a starter fuse link? Where do I even start?? Brian
First you said "nothing" but then you said no voltage at the fuse block so I'm confused but if you have voltage where the battery cable connects to the starter but not at the fuse block...yeah...I'd say you have a fuseable link or circuit breaker that's faulty.
Check the bulkhead connectors. They are on the firewall under the driver side hood latch.

First you said "nothing" but then you said no voltage at the fuse block so I'm confused but if you have voltage where the battery cable connects to the starter but not at the fuse block...yeah...I'd say you have a fuseable link or circuit breaker that's faulty.

Sorry. I installed the new battery and then tracked the hot lead as far as I could reach to the starter and then stuck a tester through the cable and it was hot, but I have not gotten under the car to check beyond that. My next plan is to jack it up and get under there.

A buddy told me to check to see if there was any power at the fuse block before I did anything and there was nothing, no juice at all.

I ordered a wiring diagram, but it hasn't arrived. I then saw a picture of a 79 starter that showed a fuse link. I started reading and found that fuse links were introduced in 1967, thus my guess. Sorry about the confusion. Brian
Great picture, thanks. I will tackle this on Thursday, thanks, this is a big help. Brian

Check where the big red wire enters the inboard connector - that's the main power feed from the starter solenoid and horn relay to the whole car. Carefully remove the connector and check for corrosion or heat damage; if those red wire mating terminals have high resistance due to corrosion, they heat up and can partially melt the fuse block, breaking the connection - chronic cause of "no juice", common midyear issue.

Check where the big red wire enters the inboard connector - that's the main power feed from the starter solenoid and horn relay to the whole car. Carefully remove the connector and check for corrosion or heat damage; if those red wire mating terminals have high resistance due to corrosion, they heat up and can partially melt the fuse block, breaking the connection - chronic cause of "no juice", common midyear issue.


The big red wire John is referring to is missing on my connector (top left) because the connector was corroded beyond repair. I spliced a 10 gage wire onto the red wire in the engine compartment and ran it around the bulkhead connector to the supply side of the headlight breaker in the cockpit. I did that in 1978, and all the other connectors are still OK (probably jinxed myself with that!)

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