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Helpfu Hints Andl Easy Modifications For C3's

Dome Lights

My '68 and '71 didn't come with a dome light so I installed one in both of them. I can't imagine producing any vehicle without a dome light but it has been done.
My 02 didn't come with a woman,
So I added one

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Marking Harmonic Dampers Every 90 Degrees

I always mark my harmonic dampers every 90 degrees for the sole purpose of being able to find TDC of every cylinder. As an 8" damper has 25.13" of circumference 90 degrees equals 1/4th of that or 6.28". You can use your wife's cloth measuring tape to measure that 6.28" and then put a dot of paint right there. Put a mark at 90 degrees (6.28"), 180 degrees (12.56"), and 270 degrees (18.84"). If you set your front end on safety stands you can easily do the measuring and marking from the underside of the car. New dampers are already marked every 90 degrees but the marks are awfully hard to see so a dab of bright yellow paint is needed.


  • 1971 Corvette Engine Rebuild October 2016 002 (3).jpg
    1971 Corvette Engine Rebuild October 2016 002 (3).jpg
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Drain Plugs

My three C3's have drain plugs in their transmissions and rear ends so it's always really easy to replace their oils. Drain plugs are very easy to install and they're one of the things all C3's need. When I replace the 85W140 rear end lube in my '71 tomorrow I'll take a couple of pictures of its drain plug so you can see how I did it.
My C5 has 2 doors, they are very easy too open when I need to drive it

It has a hidden handle that gives the car a Smooth look. If you look the car quickly you might miss it

Next time I open it to gain access to the interior I'll take some pictures to show you how easy it is to do

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My three C3's have drain plugs in their transmissions and rear ends so it's always really easy to replace their oils. Drain plugs are very easy to install and they're one of the things all C3's need. When I replace the 85W140 rear end lube in my '71 tomorrow I'll take a couple of pictures of its drain plug so you can see how I did it.

This isn't a new idea. GTR1999 (Gary) will tell you the same thing (I bet he'd even recommend it) http://www.parts123.com/corvettecentral/dyndetail.pta?catalog=0000050g&ukey=17733
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Drain Plugs

It's really easy to install drain plugs in the transmission's pan or rear end and they are one of the best modifications for any C3. When I change my rear end lube I'll take a couple of pictures of my drain plug so you can see how easy it is to install. Just requires a 1" Harbor Freight drill bit for the hole in the center strut rod bracket and a 7/16" drill bit for the hole prior to tapping the 1/4" NPT threads for the Allen plug.
It's really easy to install drain plugs in the transmission's pan or rear end and they are one of the best modifications for any C3. When I change my rear end lube I'll take a couple of pictures of my drain plug so you can see how easy it is to install. Just requires a 1" Harbor Freight drill bit for the hole in the center strut rod bracket and a 7/16" drill bit for the hole prior to tapping the 1/4" NPT threads for the Allen plug.

and we will have another 'how not to do it thread"!!!!!!!:ugh

don't bother!!!! :eyerole
Rear Axle Drain Plug

Although not used very often a rear axle drain plug is one of the most useful C3 upgrades there is. It only takes about 30 minutes to install a drain plug using ordinary tools once the C3 is sitting on safety stands. Another really useful upgrade is installing a torque converter drain plug which also takes about 30 minutes once the C3 is sitting on safety stands.
Dome Lights And Adjustable Strut and Tie Rods

Another great upgrade is the addition of a dome light in those early C3's that came without them. My '68 and '71 didn't have one so I installed the later '78 and up dome lights in them. And another great upgrade is the installation of adjustable strut and tie rods because they are so much easier to adjust. There are many upgrades that can be made to our C3's and these are just some of them.

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