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Hi from New Guy


Well-known member
Apr 20, 2004
Waterloo, ontario
75 blown bigblock
Hi. MY name is Norval and I just found out yesterday about Action Center and just wanted to drop by.
I have a 75 with a 460 bigblock running a 8-71 blower, twin highly reworked 850 double pumpers, a complete roller valve train, good heads and everything else I can think of.
I did start out with a 400 and high stall with the bigblock on nitrous and run low 10's in street trim but I got tired of the high reving on the highway with the 4.11 gears.
I also found the motor with the big heads wouldn't run well below 5000. I then went for a complete different setup with a 8-71 blower running 15% overdrive or 12 pounds of boost.
I also got a 700R4 and blew up 3 of them and 4 torque convertors using 12 inch slicks on the street.
I then went to the T5 MUSTANG transmission and loved it and never had a problem even with the slicks.
'For durability I sold the T5 and went to the Tremec TKO. The 4.11's proved too low so I switched to the 3.08's. Like them alot better but even at the top end of second it still has a problem. At leat 3rd works.
I have coilovers all around, a 6 link rear suspension, a totally worked front end, like a stock car for Zero toe, longer spindles to raise the roll center, countless lightening parts etc etc.
The car gets 15 mpg doing 1/2 and 1/2 driving, never overheats, loads plugs or causes any problems.
I did twist both rear axles so I designed and home built a massive set from 4340 and oversize bearings.
I presently run 305 radials on the car for better cruising on the expressways. I have changed from drag racing to high speed cross country running and regularly cruise at 130 where the motor is turning 3000 and is very smooth.
I also painted the car in the driveway and this is a shot of it taken last summer. The paint is 5 plus years old.
welcome to the forum!!!!
Welcome to CAC we are having a Cruise-Fest 2004 next month with a dyno run are you up for it we need 5 more cars to cover the cost of an 8 hour rental, but you had better hurry we need to make firm plans this Friday for the dyno and the hotel is almost full. There is a sister motel next door to handle overflow also.
Norval, welcome to CAC. Have followed your posts on other forums. Glad to see another C3 here. Looking forward to having your experience here on CAC. Charles
Welcome to the club.

Hey Norval, welcome. You have done what I had in mind three years ago when I bought the '74. I am not there yet, but it is still early. Great look.
peace Bud :cool
Good to see you here!

Good to see you here Norval! This place isn't a bad hang out, certainly seems stable! :D

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