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high pitched noise

:wHi everyone. Hope you can help. I have a 2000 coupe with 45000 miles. Recently, I have noticed a high pitched noise that seems to be from the left rear tire area once the car is above 30mph. I do not hear the noise when at low speed. It seems to get a little louder the faster I go. Even at 75mph it is not very loud. With the radio on, you may not notice it. However, since it is a new noise I am concerned. It sounds like something may be rubbing or need to be lubricated? I have had the wheels aligned 2 months ago. The noise started roughly 1 month ago. The car has never been in an accident and I don't recall hitting any curbs.
Has anyone else had this problem?
Could it be an alignment issue? None of the tires seem to have excessive wear. The car tracks straight.
I can not find any body part that is loose. Nothing appears to be broken or in need of repair while inspecting the underside of the back of the car. However, I am NOT a mechanic. :upthumbs
Thanks for your input in advance.
Mike, I merged your threads.
Two weeks ago, my 02 coupe started a high pitch noise when my wife and I were returning from a cruise to the Royal Gorge with some of the RMCSC members. The noise was not there on the trip to the Gorge. Never heard it before, nor had my wife; 20K miles on the clock. Noise continues when engine running, but coupe not moving, so its not the tires. Haven't investigated yet, but my first thought is the serpentine belt apparatus. Since I drive about 0.6 miles on a dirt road with some washboarding, it may have lost some of it's tension. If not, then I guess I am in for a lot of troubleshooting. I will be watching your thread with great interest, hoping we both get the solutions.
I had a high-pitched whine coming from my 'Vette once.

Turned out that it was my ex-wife! :chuckle

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