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How do you keep the engine and compartment clean?

  • Thread starter Thread starter vsouza
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I'm a new corvette owner, so I want to keep the engine compartment as clean as I can without getting rediculus.

I just bought it last June 03, (03 Anniverary Edition vert), so it certainly isn't dirty yet. Only have under 5k miles on it so far. Anyway I was just wondering how to clean the engine when it does get dirty.

BTW, I just love driving this car!! I never owned a vette or any car quite like this. It's just awesome. Can't wait until I get it on the road again.

The easiest way to keep it clean is to buy a trailer. That way you can put it in the trailer, tow it to a show, back it out, dust it with a california duster, say what a cool car it is, put it back in the trailer and tow it home. Back it off the trailer and park it back in the storage bubble in the garage. Don't forget to look at it again and say what an awesome car it is !!! If you read all of this then I hope that you know that I am only kidding :-) I have a 2003 with only 4k on it so far and I've had to clean the engine compartment a few times now. I love to DRIVE it !!! What I have found that works best is is just a mild carwash and sponge. Just wipe,rinse out the sponge,wipe,rinse out the sponge, etc etc. That way the engine compartment stays clean and dry. DO NOT use a pressure spray under the hood !! BTW way, what part of MA are you from ?
simple green and water

Thanks, for the info. I'm near the NH border. Westford is a small town just outside of Lowell MA.


Thanks. Now that you say, I think I remember seeing it in Home Depot.
and it's GREEN.............;)
I was under the impression that Simple Green can cause the aluminum to get dis-colored ....
Honestly, every time I wash mine, after drying the exterior, I wipe down the engine compartment with a moist towel. I get most of the stuff out and I get to touch my engine without risk of going blind.
Vette Fanatic --
You say "do not use a pressure washer". I've had my 2000 vert for around 8 months and it's a daily driver. I've used my home compressor and engine cleaning wand & Simple Green on the engine and compartment 3 times since owning and have not noticed any ill effects. I don't use ultra high pressure and I am careful of the electical components. Can't think of an easier way to get to the dust that settles in after a couple thousand miles.
If you have heard of a reason to stay away from the pressure washer please let me know.
Vic, I have always just wiped it down with a damp cloth. The best advice I could give,Dont let it get to dirty to begin with!!!!! It is a LABOR OF LOVE to keep it lookin NEW!!!!!! NOW ENJOY IT!!!! Paul:D
drags1998 said:
Vic, I have always just wiped it down with a damp cloth. The best advice I could give,Dont let it get to dirty to begin with!!!!! It is a LABOR OF LOVE to keep it lookin NEW!!!!!! NOW ENJOY IT!!!! Paul:D
I think you summed it up pretty well...damn cloth regularily and you will have no problems.
I wipe the engine down with a rag with Armor All on it. The front hood seal helps keep the dirt out also. It's well worth the $16 I paid for it.
Vettes in the Commonwealth of Mass.

vsouza, VetteFanatic,

Nice to hear from some Massachusetts vette guys. Keeping the cars clean around here is sometimes a challenge. Mine is parked from mid October through the first of April (a real garage queen). As far as keeping the engine compartment clean - I go along with the folks that wipe it down with a soft damp cloth. For the most part these cars don't have any fliud leak which attract dirt. So keeping them clean under the hood is not too difficult.

Enjoy I Do!!!

drags1998 said:
Vic, I have always just wiped it down with a damp cloth. The best advice I could give,Dont let it get to dirty to begin with!!!!! It is a LABOR OF LOVE to keep it lookin NEW!!!!!! NOW ENJOY IT!!!! Paul:D
I certainly do enjoy it! Since I bought this last summer, (in Pepperill by way), I have probably cleaned it 50 times before I put it in storage in December. But I never cleaned the engine, although it isn't real dirty. I just want to clean the engine!

My daughter got married last september and of course I had to have a picture of her and I next to the vette before we went to the church. My favorite picture!

Remo said:
vsouza, VetteFanatic,

Nice to hear from some Massachusetts vette guys. Keeping the cars clean around here is sometimes a challenge. Mine is parked from mid October through the first of April (a real garage queen). As far as keeping the engine compartment clean - I go along with the folks that wipe it down with a soft damp cloth. For the most part these cars don't have any fliud leak which attract dirt. So keeping them clean under the hood is not too difficult.

That picture of your vette looks familiar. I mean the location. When I was looking for a sports car, before I decided on the best decision I've ever made, I looked at Porche. The dealership in Nashua had an area that reminds me of where your vette is parked in the picture.

singledad_9 said:
Honestly, every time I wash mine, after drying the exterior, I wipe down the engine compartment with a moist towel. I get most of the stuff out and I get to touch my engine without risk of going blind.
Its so easy :pat
flash32 said:
I was under the impression that Simple Green can cause the aluminum to get dis-colored ....
That's been my experience with it, Flash32.

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