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How many miles do you put on per year?

Apr 18, 2002
Staten Island, NY
1999 Torch Red Coupe
I bought my 95 in January of 2002 with 13,800 miles on it. I now have 21500 on it. I wanted to keep the mileage low for higher resale.

I enjoy driving it to much though, and until I drove a C5, I was going to keep it a long time.

Its a second car also. My daily driver is a 2000 Bonneville. So I was wondering how many miles everyone was putting on their Vettes?
I bought my 88 in Nov 2001 with 33133 miles. As of today I have 36576. So as you can see it's my weekend toy. However I did just put 200 miles on it a couple weeks ago when the local club went on a cruise. I plan on doing 1000 miles or less a year.
No matter what I used as my daily driver, I rarely exceeded ten thousand miles in a year when I was working; now though, it's much, much less. I've always believed in living close to where I worked, cost be damned. I wasn't about to participate in the commuter's dance every day - never have, never will.

The only times I put mileage on my vehicles was when I went on vacations, and I drove a lot of this fine country of ours! In 1990 I drove a lap of America that followed a route from the Gulf to the east coast to the northern borders and back down the west coast for a grand total of about ten thousand miles. I still do it when I can: in 2001 it was around five or six thousand miles to Bowling Green and back, and last year it was over eight thousand two hundred miles around the country (see my write-up on that here: Road Trip 2001 and here: Road Trip 2002. :Steer
About 1300 to 1500
My Vette is a third car and doesnt have many miles on it... @ 25k. I do about 2000 miles a year. With the rain finally stopped in the NE I drive to shows and cruise around. The roof is almost always off since the car is garaged!!!!! Gotta love it!!!!:Steer
Have had mine for just under two years and put about 7k miles on it in that time (1700 of it for my cruise to Bowling Green this year). With two kids to take to daycare in the AM, it's not a daily driver by any means.
i didn't buy mine to sit in the drive way. i have a 97 C1500 chevy truck with 62k in miles. the 94 Saturn with 99k miles is my daily driver but last year i drove the vette about 12k in miles and this year only 5k in miles so far. just turned 50k in miles on the vette.
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I usually put about 1200 - 1500 miles per year on mine...but I think this year that is going to be significantly less. Probably due to the fact that we just had our first child in December.
Born to Run!!!!


What l really do not understand is that if you enjoy your vette, why not drive it. You are not looking at an exotic auto that will increase in value the longer you own it, except if you own a C1&C2 that is orig and in concours condition.

Last night l went to a cookout and drove my 96LT1 (45,000 miles)
and parked it next to two Ferrari's and a Porsche all 2001's plus.
l of course had the highest mileage, but l picked mine up with 44,000 miles. But on an average they drove there cars approx 12-14,000 miles a year and enjoy every minute of it.

l will not let my vette become a garage queen, so l will average 12,000 miles a year and when l sell it and get a few thousand dollars less, who cares at least l enjoyed it when l had it.

A Corvette is not a status car, it's a sports car to drive that is dependable.

I drive the 95 as a daily for about 25K-30K miles a year …. Plus I put about 17K miles on the ZR-1 last year on the weekends..:D
I agree with some of the other owners here, I bought mine to drive. When I purchased it in 2001 it had 75,000 mile on it. Two yrs later I have about 120,000 miles on it. So I will average about 20-30 thousand miles per year. My long range plans for my car is to get it tuned by Lingerfelter in a year or two.... But I definitely bought it to drive it.....
Less then 1000 miles a year. It's a third car and only goes out on nice days. I'll probably keep it forever! It is absolutely the best car I have ever owned and driving it is the second most enjoyable experience one can hope for. :love

My vette is also a third car, but it's more fun to drive. Yes, people alway's ask how many miles are on it, but it's not their car, it's yours to drive and enjoy.

l hope in the next couple of years to upgrade to a C5, only for the extra room in the coupe, which is twice what l have now.

A famous tv cowboy once carried a card "Have Gun Will Travel".

We should also carry cards " Have Vette Will Travel".

l'm sorry that l cannot drive my vette to work, l work in NYC, or l would top 20,000 miles per year.

My kudo's to the vette owners that are able to drive their vette every day and enjoy it rather then have a garage queen,

My Corvette Club is made up of "Garage Queens"for the most part and get off on how perfect their vette is and how few miles they have.

Who Cares!

A vette was made to be driven not stored unless one is not able to afford to drive it!

I started driving mine in April and have put almost 4000 miles in 3 months, I drive it every day, everywhere I can. As a matter of fact, I drive it to save miles on my truck. How's that for a switch? It gets 2-2 1/2 times the gas mileage of my truck, and it is a blast to drive. It had 120,000 miles on it when I got it, and I plan on driving it until 200,000 miles or more.

As soon as I can find a high mileage C5 for a good price, my wife will have her daily driver also.

It was great fun to see all of the vettes at the 50th celebration who drove from all across the country. Vettes were made to be driven hard and often!!

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