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How often should I drive the Vette to ensure good maintenance?

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Fiddler's Gold

I usually just drive my Vette on the weekends. I am just curious as to how often I should drive my Vette to ensure that everything stays in A-OK shape and there are no problem to speak of? With our mild winters, it should help to keep it running just fine (and nice and fast in the COLD AIR!) Any special winter or special maintenance needs to be done to ensure that it doesn't have problems if it sits for about a week at a time?

driving it on the weekends is just fine as long as it is a good ride. Up here in NH I try to put 3000-4000 miles a year on my toy rides. I just got the Vette so it will hafta wait till next year to have alot of riding done as winter is fast approaching. If you can drive it year round then 50-100 miles a week would be a good way to keep things goin smooth. Just my .02:beer
Drive it ALL of the time! They DO make snow tires for the Corvette you know. :D

_ken :w
Right arm, Ken. Can't imagine letting mine sit for a week much less a winter. I wonder if 'vette ownership is justification for relocation?
come to canada and drive your vete in the middle of january..with the 3 feet of snow..poor road conditions..-30*c wind blowing...ITS PERFECT VETTE WINTER!! it doesnt matter how good a driver u are..or if u have snow tires for your vette.

Unless you have experienced a Northeast winter, you don't have a clue. We would love to drive in December thru March, but why risk it. Even if I could handle the snow, sleet & frrezing rain, what abouit the SUV's that "think" they can go 65 in ice?? Please save your drive it all year comments for the non snow areas!!!
Ctfoodguy2000 said:
Unless you have experienced a Northeast winter, you don't have a clue.

I was born and raised back east, I know about cold and the rest. I was just kiddin' ya! ;)

_ken :w
Every hour on the hour

If not more!


Thanks for the advice!
Well, I was going to post some pics but alas, it appears that all of the posted pics must be 65Kb or less....kinda small :)

maybe I will post a link!

Now I know why I moved to Las Vegas from Wisconsin,12 months of endless cruising, If I ever want to see that White stuff, all I have to do is drive 35 miles to the Mts,believe me though, I dont get the urge that often,lol,been there, done that Cold Winter thing for too many years,(-30/45mphwinds,3ft snow, no more):beer
Ken said:
I have a room, but no extra garage space. :o
_ken :w

Who needs a garage Ken, like the song says "it never rains in Kalifornia":D.

On topic, I drive mine about once a week and really wring it out at least every three or four drives. By wringing I mean stretching the secondaries and reminding all of the people behind me what a chambered exhaust sounds like:D.

- Eric:w
daily car

its my only car, I've been driving it for the last 5 years, she is taking a break right now until I get back, that is if we dont go to Iraq.

I was born and raised in Foster, Rhode Island, for those who might reside in R.I. you probably have heard the old line from Salty Brine... "No school Foster/Glocester"... But anyway, when I finally had my own performance car, 1971 SSNova, I drove it year round, ya just have to watch out for the other guy, and purchase snow tires, those Mickey Thompson's just don't hack it in the white stuff. Just telling ya all this so you know it can be done if you want to drive bad enough.

PS: note my current address, the only white stuff I see now is the sand on the Gulf Shore in PC.
You guys that have the option of taking the car out year round are fortunate. Once they salt and/or sand the roads here, that's it for me. Last year I was driving the car up until the middle of Dec. and then I had to pack it away.

As far as the original question goes, my car is a garage queen (shame, shame). Anyway, on average it sees about 1,300 miles per year. I have not had any issues with the car from this infrequent use. Flat spotting of the tires is annoying, but subsides after a few miles.
There's a company who sells a tire pad made of a soft rubber or plastic material that's supposed to help eliminate flat spots on tires that don't get out for a roll often enough. I was wondering if anybody had tried that product, and if it really works?
Drive it as much as possible. At the minimum of weekly.
In the winter drive it when there is no snow on the ground.

The more one does not drive a car the more problems will occur.
There is nothing wrong with letting your car sit during the winter, I do it every year. The only problem you might have is the battery, I disconnect mine and use a trickle charger, every now and then over the winter. I don't mind the couple of winter months that much, it gives me a chance to work on the car without having to worry about leaving something apart.
I don't believe the argument about having to drive cars a lot or they will break, If you drive cars a lot they Will wear out parts. I personally would never even think of buying a high mileage Vette, the lower the mileage the better for me.
Of course this is just my opinion, I could be wrong !

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