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How to disconnect fuel lines?


Well-known member
Apr 4, 2003
Burleson, Texas
White '96 LT4 Coupe
I plan on removing my intake manifold and replacing the leaking gaskets this weekend. I have looked it over and it is fairly straight forward project. My one question is, how do I disconnect the fuel lines at the manifold? It looks like it takes a special tool to disconnect the two lines right on top of the motor.

Any help is appreciated!
It's been a while but here goes:

You don't need to disconnect the fuel lines. Just remove the bolts (4) that hold the fuel injector rails on the manifold and lift the whole thing (fuel rails and injectors) up and out of the way. You can leave the injectors connected to the fuel pressure rails.

Oh, disconnect the electrical connectors on each of the injectors and bleed off any fuel pressure before disconnecting everything.

Now, I'll let the experts that have the manual in their hands jump in and correct me.
You can either leave them connected as mentioned or purchase a set of removal tools for about $5 - $15 for a set that fits many sizes. Available at Sears or Kragen or most any auto parts store.

have fun,

Fuel Injector Cleaning & Flow Testing
96corvetteLT4 said:
Thanks for the info! How do you bleed off the fuel pressure?

Just pull the fuel pump fuse and start the engine till it stalls.
intake manifold job

Hi 96CorvetteLT4

I just replaced my last month over 69myway's house and we disconnected the fuel lines. You don't have to, but I wanted to clean the intake real well. Good luck it took me about 6 hours to do the whole job. This was my first experience with taking apart an engine, so it took me a little longer than most. Make sure you get the correct gasket. Advance Auto sold me one that matched up to the ports but didn't lock into the retaining holes, so I had to
let the RTV sealant dry a little before placing the intake back on.
Have fun, It's really not difficult just time taking!!

Jim, "Vette96CE":v :CAC
96corvetteLT4 said:
Thanks for the info! How do you bleed off the fuel pressure?

On the right side fuel rail, there is a 'valve stem' or 'schrader' (?) valve - it looks like a valve stem with a valve cap on it. Under the cap is a release valve just like what you find on your tire. Push the little pin in and fuel pressure (and some fuel) bleeds off.

This is the place you connect a fuel pressure meter.

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