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How to keep a cat off your car???



Short of spending a couple hundred $$$ , or killing the cat-how do you keep your daughters favorite "friend" from perching atop your Corvette. Mine stays covered (actually-2 covers) with moth balls placed in small plastic cups at different locations- but the cat insists perching on top. Not sure, but I actually think I saw the little feline chewing on one of those moth balls the other day...
Need help soon or I might be forced to try the sack method?!?!?!?!
Hmm not sure.. Maybe.. you could get one of those electric fences and put it around your vette.. and put a shock collar on the kitty.. hee hee.. LoL I'm only kidding..
Hmmm! Cat taste like CHICKEN!! Sorry I could not help myself. Being a cat LOVER(I've had many,down to one) I would say try to teach the cat to stay off the car, or give the cat a new bed laced with catnip. I know you can make it work,IDID:L :w
There is pet repellent; A spray for plants and other things. Check with a local pet store and ask them about something to keep your cat off the couch or out of your plants. They may be able to help.

Copdogcorvettes said:
There is pet repellent; A spray for plants and other things. Check with a local pet store and ask them about something to keep your cat off the couch or out of your plants. They may be able to help.

I'm not sure it needs to be quite that elaborate. As a cat lover myself, I've found that when I needed to "train" my cat to stay off a piece of furniture, the way to do it is to keep a spray bottle of water handy. An old, empty bottle of hairspray works fine (wash it out, of course.)

When the cat jumps up there, or you find her there, give her a quick spray to the face. That'll make her run for greener pastures. Eventually, she'll come to associate jumping up on your Vette with the unpleasant sensation of getting atomized water to the face, and won't do it anymore.

I haven't had a chance to drive my vette since I got it back from the shop 4 wks ago. Today I spent hours cleaning & waxing and went to see a friend who lives 15 or so miles away.Good excuse to drive it and show him my toy.I drove slow and avoided all puddles. His cat jumped on the trunk and took a walk around it with muddy feet. I give up.
CAT- the other white meat ????

As for the water spray to the face- she hauls butt when she see's me coming, wont let me get close to her. This is the same feline that will only let me pet her once she gets indoors.
I have 5 vehicles in my carports at home, and wouldn't mind it so much if she perched on any of the other 4. It just seems that she knows "the" car that I dont want her hanging around on....
Did someone say they taste just like chicken????

I wrote in about the same problem about 6 months ago when I bought my first Vette ('04 coupe). I received some good responses (and some not so good), but the best one I got was from Heidi. She's a cat lover like I am, so "deep sixing the feline" is out of the question. Besides doing what you're already doing, put double sided tape on top of the outermost layer of car covers. Cats hate sticky stuff, and that should be a good deterrent.

Warning: Your "favorite toy" may be important to you, but don't put it ahead of your daughter's "favorite pet", which just might be her favorite friend as well. The THINGS you love are never as important as the ONES you love.

Good luck,
John K.
The squirt with the water bottle works pretty good to startle the cat but watch out. Blasted my neighbor’s cat as he was perched atop of my car and it freaked him out so much that he did a burnout on my hood. Kind of like Dino did when Fred Flintstone (the cartoon) came home from work. Scratched the hell out of it. Was able to buff it out but a lesson learned lol.:mad
I love them both, but the Vette doesn't age prematurely.
Someday, they will both be gone and I will miss them dearly.
I will enjoy both the car and the cat in the meantime.
Avoidance training

Unlike the squirt bottle, you don't have to be present for this method to work.

You need a flat bed sheet that will cover the top of your vette. Double sided sticky tape (DSST), wide. Maybe some safety pins (6).

You stated you double cover your vette, so you could safety pin the sheet to the outer cover instead of using the DSST so it won't leave a residue on your cover or blow away in a wind.
Next you will cover almost the entire area of the sheet with DSST, the entire top and partially down the sides, to deter kitty from wanting to recline on your vette. Place the DSST no more than 1" apart so kitty has no where to place her feet or lie down that is not covered with DSST.
I would also recommend placing a thick comforter between the two car covers to prevent claw scratches when kitty jumps up and feels the DSST.

Cats don't like their feet or fur to feel sticky so she will soon learn that the vette is NOT a comfortable place to recline.

Does kitty recline on the vette because it is covered? If so, give her an alternative, comfortable vantage point to survey her queendom from, and she may leave all of your vehicles alone.

I feel like I sound like Dear Abby for cats! :L
I think Remington makes something , I believe it is called 22 Cal. Canine also has something, it is called pit bull. Sorry, couldn't resist. Seriously, the pet spray works well but be sure not to over spray on to the paint. Be sure to spray along the botom edge of the cover(s). cats like to scratch,stretch and pull and they will eventually shred the bottom part of your covers. ( lost two $250. covers this way ) I suggest you have you cat neutered, if you don't the eventual male spray will also destroy your covers,tires and paint. Man does that stuff stink. Once your cover has been sprayed on it is nearly impossible to remove the smell. Neutering also helps prevents other " outside " cats from entering your area. Be advised, that if your cat is sitting on your vehicle it is probably sitting on one of your neighbor's vehicles also.This could get ugly quick if the other vehicle is expensive. The best solution is to keep the cat indoors with supervised outside runs. Been there done that, bought the covers. Steve

I don't suppose they call that a CanAm anymore, but that sure is a sweet looing Corvette. If you did all the work, You got some talent ;) (cats and all)

Thanks guys and lady. You've given me enough ideas for a good start. By the way, I dont see where placing moth balls around the perimeter of the car, and on top of the car has much of an effect at all.

If these items dont work, guess I'll be building an enclosed garage in the near future, cause the car AIN'T gonna go !
Reminds me of a bumper sticker I saw once........"So many cats, so few recipes"

I've had this problem in the past, ended up keeping the garage closed all the time.
mikejpss said:
Thanks guys and lady. .... . . ...If these items dont work, guess I'll be building an enclosed garage in the near future, cause the car AIN'T gonna go !

Atta boy Mike... .. :D
Rare 81

It is an Eckler Daytona on a 78 Pace Car. When I got it the piant was falling off and the body was in bad shape. The front fendersand nose was 4 pieces with cracks and breaks. I rebiuld the body and the front fenders and nose is now one piece with the seams filled. I added the Hooker Side pipes and made the covers myself. It took around 300 hour to redo the body.

I'm sorry to say that due to me being out of work for so long now that I have made arrangement to sell the car to a friend. He will be picking it up next month.
I guess I'll just have to wait until I'm back to work and start all over again. I love a wide body C3.

I read an article a while back that said there is something in a lot of car covers that attract cats. That could be the reason it chose the Vette over the other vehicles around.

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