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How to keep your car safe?

I have a Viper GPS alarm in my NSX. The alarm has a battery backup good for days. The car calls up to 4 devices. Mine calls my cell phone, home phone, pager and email. I can track the car with a laptop computer in realtime. If the car is moved and the alarm is not tripped, the car calls to tell me it is out of its parked zone. I can kill the ignition, remotely, open the trunk, doors or test the alarm through my cell phone. If my main battery is low, I get a call. I can even put a speed warning notification on the car. The unit costs about $8 per month. My wife loves it when my car calls my phone to check in. Got to love technology. Jerry
Wow! that is cool... I will have to look into that...
I had a family member with a club to the steering wheel from the brake. A kill switch. He had the car parked under his bedroom window. He heard them start the car. By the time he pulled his pants up all he saw was the tailights. This happened about 5:30am. The witching hour. When the cops came to write up the report- they laughed at his protection. They said the only way to protect your car from a thief was to take the car to bed with you.

It's a shame- a thief will always out smart the system.

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