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I-80 east to west

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My plans were delayed this year for a bit of a drive in the C-5. Because of work the early October departure isn't possible till about the first week in November.

The idea, OK .... it has to do with mid-late-life crisis ... some ... soul searching, off solo without a cell phone (at least turned off), because I haven't had a moment of peace in over ten years.

The idea was to drive Rt I-80 from east (NJ where I live), to at least Lake Tahoe.

Now, the weather is in the back of my mind and things like crossing the Rockies or the mountains by SLC are starting to gnaw at me.

Like flying, I know to check the daily weather and plan to "vector" .... but generally, what can I expect?
That trip would be much better accomplished during the summer. That road across Wyoming is no place to be in winter. The wind blows hard, and I-80 can be closed for days. Donner pass out of Reno can be a real bear. Remember that Lake Tahoe is at approximately 6600 ft, and the passes to get there are more like 8000 ft. Squaw Valley, which once hosted the Winter Olympics, is near the west Shore of Lake Tahoe. I have lived in Idaho most of my life and I have traveled the road you are thinking about in winter. I drive my Corvette in the snow on occasion, but I would not recommend driving that road in winter in a Corvette. It might be possible, but it would not be much fun. It could be very dangerous, instead.

Drive further south, and end up in Arizona! (Avoid Flagstaff- bad snow there, too.) ;)

Thanks DRTH, you confirmed my gut feelings. The I-80 route was pretty neat because it's almost a straight line from where I live.
But not all is lost...Maybe you can split that goal symbol in half and take I-40 instead.

The I-40 corridor is not too bad in the winter...that is..perhaps you will find snow or rain or wind, but by and large, you'll get a pretty good idea what is coming your way through weather reports. Oh yeah! If the reports tell you that a particular front will reach Little Rock by Thursday and you are are east of there, then while traveling west, it will happen a lot faster.

Another good sign is that when you get to Kingman, Arizona you can hook a turn toward Las Vegas, NV. Vegas Baby! :upthumbs
Jim gives you good advice. Right now we're enjoying good weather in SLC but we've already had two snow storms this last month. A southern route makes more sense to me. Put the I-80 idea on hold because you would enjoy it much more in the summer. Good luck and let us know how the trip goes.
Welcome to the CAC, Dodgerfan2591! It is nice to have another member from the West. :upthumbs
Agree with Drth Vdr on the weather conditions. I made the trip from Denver to Sacramento in May 2005 in my C4 and the roads were clear. Of course, the road over the pass from Reno to Sacramento is like cobblestone from the chains required on trucks. Worse part of the drive. I was constantly checking the weather and made the trip in a little over 19 hours. But I recommend that you take it during the daylight as the scenary out west is spectacular and should not be missed. Even in Wyoming where the wind blows so hard that they close the road and the antelope fly with the wind when they leap over the fences. I took my 63 SWC in November 1964 to Seattle from KCMo via I 80 and hit a snow storm in Wyoming. Had to stay overnite in Rawlings because conditions were so bad. Next day, snow packed road was quite slippery and I drove slowly. A dark blue 64 coupe whizzed by me and several miles up I stopped to help him get the vette out of a snowbank. I followed him at a safe speed to a service station so he could check for damage. He was an Army Lt headed for Hawaii via San Francisco. I was a Lt jg headed for Alaska. I believe he made it. When transferred to Washington DC two years later, in November again, I was chased by a snow storm from Montana all the way to KC. Stayed ahead of it, and arrived at my parent's home late evening. Next morning, 6 or more inches of snow. I guess I was lucky. The point of the adventure was that it is not a great idea to make the trip in the snow months on I 80. You could get lucky, but why chance it. Why not join us in Cleveland next year for Cruise Fest and then continue on your trip.

Best of luck on whatever you decide to do.
I lived in wyoming from 69 to 82. I 80 across southern part can get real nasty. Although its early winter there now, I would not travel that part of the world without FWD and chains. I'd pick another route or vehicle. Mark
Do it in the summer man,why chance weather woes? And where in NJ? Maybe we can meet up one day.
I-40 is OK, but I-10 would be better.

Ever better than that would be I-95 due south and then U.S. 1 to Key West.... and stay a month!! :D
Your a brave guy if ya go I-80 from Jersey to Ohio. I traveled that route this summer to Maine and like to knocked the wheels off my C5. Rough was an understatement. Came back 81 to 64 and acrossed WV back to KY. Much prettier ride and excellent road.
Only 2.5 posts a day for 5.5 years. Piece of cake. :D

It's not quantity, it's quality. ;)

The principal east-west route through Colorado is I-70. Between late October and Mid-April, I would not even consider making an attempt to head up to the mountains in my Vette. That's just asking to have your ride stranded on the side of the road. As for going east, the number of times last winter I-70 was closed between Denver and the Kansas State Line because of snow and blowing snow indicates that anyone travelling in any car or truck would be well advised to frequently check road conditions for winter travel.

I'm with 04 Commemorative: summer is the time for road trips.

It looks like you have more posts than I do and did it in a shorter time. Of course you had all those useless posts about hockey...;LOL

No, a "useless" post would include "Boise State Broncos" somewhere. And I'd like to thank you for forcing me to make my first ever useless post by typing it here.
Winter in a Vette is no problem! Just get a two day forecast with no snow and drive real fast!!:lou After all it's a vette and at 160mph it will only take 18 hrs to cross country. Once you get to So. Cal. just park it by the beach and stay for a while.:w
No, a "useless" post would include "Boise State Broncos" somewhere.

Well, you have a point...

How about those Buffs? Hawkins still has a ways to go, although both the Buffs and the Broncos have a recent win over Oklahoma.
Well, you have a point...

How about those Buffs? Hawkins still has a ways to go, although both the Buffs and the Broncos have a recent win over Oklahoma.

You seem to forget- the Buffs are a product of Boulder. Boulder, by definition, is 42 square miles, surrounded by reality. Non-CU graduates living in the metro area forget it exists, until someone like Ward Churchhill dispells that comforting delusion.

I am a graduate of Arizona State University. And I plan to take Zagger's advice. This January, I'm heading to San Diego before I set sail on a cruise. Sadly, I'm flying to warmer shores on this trip, but the spirit is there. :D

Well thanks for all of the info. It seems now that I have to take my old XC Volvo that kills my back .... I hate ... I hate .. did I mention that I hate the seats?

Or take a southern route and then head back towards Tahoe.

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