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I feel like Pat Roberts...(this is accident related)



...when he said to just take the guy out.


Whew! That feels better!

Hold on, this is going to get ugly!

So, somebody backed into my car. Not my fault. Had to have the "front bumper" replaced as well as the driver's side "headlamp door" and all of the little parts that go along with these 2 items. NO BIG WHOOP. Nobody got hurt. Minor fender bender. That's what insurance is for. So I thought...

Okay, there is actually a growing list of people that I am not feeling rather amicably toward at the moment:

*The STUPID ass (can I say "ass"!?) lady that backed into me. Yes, it was a woman.

*The STUPID ass city that I live in for not maintaining the median divider shrubs that caused the woman not to see me when I made the necessary U-Turn to access my side of the street when she backed out of the driveway. Yep it happened on my own street....ughhhhh....

*The STUPID ass insurance adjuster from my insurance company that didn't even bother to look under the hood for damage, although in the 5 minutes that she actually WAS here, she spent about 1 minute looking over her paper work while complaining about the traffic and the heat, and 3 1/2 minutes in my bathroom. That's right. A whole 30 seconds was devoted entirely to look at the damage to my car. UGHHHH!!!! Oh, and she estimated it to only take 4 days to complete the replacement and the paint job. Guess what! She forgot to estimate for some parts and that caused a delay...stupid ass!

*The STUPID ass driver's STUPID ass insurance company for denying my claim in it's entirety. Oh yes, I feel a law suit rising.

*The STUPID ass auto body shop that did a shoddy job the first go 'round by leaving bubbles/fish eyes/craters in the clear coat, poor color match, metallic flecks too heavy in some area and too light in others, overspray, underspray, areas with no paint (inside edges), dirt in paint, seams off like you wouldn't believe...hmmm...am I missing anything?

*The STUPID ass auto body shop that did a shoddy job the first go 'round by leaving bubbles/fish eyes/craters in the clear coat, poor color match, metallic flecks too heavy in some area and too light in others, overspray, underspray, areas with no paint (inside edges), dirt in paint, seams off like you wouldn't believe ***FOR THE SECOND TIME***!!!

*The STUPID ass auto body shop that did a shoddy job the first go 'round by leaving bubbles/fish eyes/craters in the clear coat, poor color match, metallic flecks too heavy in some area and too light in others, overspray, underspray, areas with no paint (inside edges), dirt in paint, seams off like you wouldn't believe FOR THE SECOND TIME and NOW for the final time. At least the seams are better now on the ***THIRD TIME*** and after 5 freakin' weeks in their shop. There goes THAT month of my car payment...I've had it!

*The STUPID ass auto body back shop manager for not listening to my legitimate and respectful complaints and for not correcting it either time.

*The STUPID ass auto body shop General manager for not listening to my legitimate and respectful complaints for being rude to my son, his girlfriend and myself for asking questions and for having the audacity of actually telling me, "This is not a perfect world. I am not going to fix it"... AAAAHHHHHHHH!!!! Can you believe that!? He might as well have said that "it's not my job" or some other crap...

*The STUPID ass insurance adjuster from my insurance company once again,(remember the bathroom lady?) for the snotty, condescending e-mail that among other things said, "ONE of the owners of the car caused further damage to the paint by placing stickers on it." Well, let me tell you. The auto body shop requested that a nearby Chevy dealer look at the car to verify that it is in good shape. I had it towed, my expense. The manager there placed Post-It type stickers with their company name on them and designed for this purpose on approximately 60 to 70 areas of my car where there are problems from the auto body shop. I have pictures of him doing it to prove as much. I didn't place a single one.

And finally, *to my STUPID ass...for not taking it to a car specialty paint shop in the first place...I will forever regret that! Hindsight is always 20/20...

Now, I'm looking for that specialty shop. Going to take her in and start over. I just love my car and I can't take it the way it is...I'm just sick over this.

Somehow, I think you guys understand.

Why is it that those of us that actually take care of our cars seem to be the ones that are penalized the most!?

Thanks for "listening"...
Don't hold back now, tell us how you really feel!
Oh geeez. That is godawful. You must be ready to blow a gasket. I think the only thought on my mind would be RETRIBUTION.
The problem with body work is the fact that everyone can see the quality of the job. With a mechanical repair, a technician can get by doing shoddy and sloppy work and no one knows the difference.

I owned an auto/truck repair shop for almost 20 years. All mechanical repairs. I would not even touch a simple body job. I always felt and still feel that body work is an art. Not every body man is an artist.

My heart goes out to you. I have had my share of accidents to deal with. Yours sounds like a horror movie plot.

I am sure the specialty body shop will repair your car so even you will not be able to tell where the damage was.

Keep asking questions. Sometimes the simplest question results in a job done right.

Save The Wave! :w
There ar so many Stupid Ass people involved I guess there's only one solution.
Nuke the planet from a low earth orbit. Only way to be sure!
I'm with Tammy - retribution seems in order!

Actually, I'm hoping I don't find myself in the same boat - I'm waiting on my insurance adjuster to contact me over my claim of hurricane damage to my "baby". Although there's no body work involved, I've got about a million little pine sap spots and minor scratches from flying roofing shingles and tree bark.

At the very least she'll have to be cleaned and buffed and if I'm not satisfied with that, a paint job is in order. Another thing that worries me is the cloth top... I've washed it and it did not come clean. Plus I've got a big blob of pine sap about the size of a quarter on the top too.

Good luck to both of us! Hope you get resolution soon.

Jane Ann
Thanks for the responses. I'm so happy just to have her back at this point. I'm over the rage. And since life has been very busy the past several weeks around here, I've yet to take her in to be *RE*fixed. This'll be the 4th attempt. I will do it. I am just not ready for the battle with the insurance co. at the moment. :(

Jane Ann...I am thankful that you made it through the storm! I too, hope that we can both resolve our finishes. As for your top, maybe a new one is in store!?

Thanks again and happy driving!
WOW!! What a mess! My father had his 02 vert backed into recently and thankfully had no trouble getting the other persons insurance to pay.The body shop he took it too did a amazing job!!! no way no how you could ever tell it was hit. He took off the bumper cover and repaired it,and best of all with a lifetime warrenty on the finish and workmanship!!!
Believe it or not, we are with you. Our car was backed into in May, still dealing with the reapair. It has been in 4 times and is still not right. Nobody seems to care. I can say my insurance company has been more than fair with us and willing to do what it takes to make us happy. It all has to do with the paint. We keep getting told that black will never be perfect and just to deal with it. The first repair which was bumper and hood replacement was awful. They didn't trim the fiberglass strings off the hood, just painted them and the paint had so many runs, fish eyes, bubbles, etc in it, I just started yelling right there and called my insurance company. shop number 2 was supposed to fix and repaint everything shop number 1 did. They didn't and the bumper started to crack and peel and bubble. Apparently they just buffed and polished that. We went to get it last night after go around number 3. The hood is still not aligned right. The wipers keep hitting it. If I hear it is a wiper issue one more time, I am going to lose it. The car is all hazed again, or still, from the buff job and it looks like they may have used steel wool. I was told if I use Windex with the amonia in it, it would take care of that and it would be perfect. The summer has been shot dealing with this. This weekend is the last event of the year. I am now waiting for the adjusters call again which won't happen until next Wed. when he is back in town. Then it will be round 4 and if it is not right again I have no idea what I am going to do. Thanks for letting me get that off my chest. Hopefully you have better luck than I am having!

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