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I picked up my new 2007 Z06 on Friday! :-)

Nice Family

That's great Gerry! You are very lucky great car and a very happy family!

Vets & Kids

After I bought my 06 Z06 the wife and daughter read the riot act to me about taking any of our kids for rides. You are definitely fortunate to have an understanding spouse. Buckle-Up in those safe car seats and enjoy the ride. I never experienced any better.
Mine's on the truck
Congratulations. Beautiful car. Love that silver. I got my new Z-06 (LeMans Blue) in March and love it. Had an '04 Z-06 before that. They are awesome cars! ;)
My C6 was LeMans blue - a great Vette color!:)
I still have that same smile as your son when I'm driving my Z.
Sweet!!!!!!!!!!!!! You're going to love this one.................
Nice...Just got the 2008 edition!

Just picked this up...real happy about the way the Victory Red w/Ebony interiopr looks.
Just picked this up...real happy about the way the Victory Red w/Ebony interiopr looks.

Nice! just nice! :upthumbs Ah well maybe one day for me? But, I can't wait as long for my next Z06 as the first.;shrug
Thanks for the thumbs up. I had a yellow 2003 ZO6 also...I love that car.
Congrats Steve :D They will still be following you too close, but alittle extra go power will make it fun to watch them disappear in the rearview. :L

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