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I think I found my 62 Corvette heating problem, need advice

  • Thread starter Thread starter Roger Waring
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Roger Waring

I could hear some rattling noise in my engine bay. When I opened the hood with the engine running the cooling fan was moving back and forth about 1/4 inch. I checked the mounting bolt, they were all tight. It was the water pump shaft, it had a tremendous amount of play back and forth, although no coolant fluid was coming out of the impeller shaft. I'm assuming this could have been a cause of slight over heating at low RPM on warm days. Does this sound like a good assumption? Also it looks like it should be a easy remove and install, any thing I should be aware of or short cuts ?
Roger, Do you have fan shroud? If not this could cause over heating. The pump should be changed also. I will be glad to give you some tips on removeable of the pump. Ace
Roger, Do you have fan shroud? If not this could cause over heating. The pump should be changed also. I will be glad to give you some tips on removeable of the pump. Ace
Thanks Ace,

It does have a shroud. Does the engine mount need to be removed that runs across the top of the pump, This is also a numbers matching car. Will buying a new over the counter pump be acceptable?
Hi Roger,

Your warter pump needs to be casting number 3782609 to be correct. If your car still has the original pump I would rebuild it or send it out for rebuild. If not then it doesn't matter so much unless you want to find a correct numbered one. Anyone with a press can rebuild one using this kit and following the directions. Your local machine shop can probably do it for you if you don't have a press.

The pump does bolt through the front engine saddle and that is what holds up the engine. JohnZ had pictures of a wooden saddle that he made to support the engine from underneath so as not to bend the oil pan with your floor jack. Do a search and you should be able to find it but support the engine on the pan rail and not the pan or crankshaft pulley.

The saddle requires 2 pair of water pump gaskets. Also most of these saddles have pitting or corrosion around the water pump holes. If it's severe you may want to purchase a new saddle available from the parts houses like Zip. If it's minor (just pits and not holes or missing areas) I'd blast it and fill the pits with JB Weld and then sand it down smooth again. Prime it with a self etching primer in spray can and follow up with Chevy orange.

Also check your fan clutch for slop while you are at it. Is it locking up when the engine is hot?


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