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Is Obama Trying To Kill The US Auto Industry?

Jan 19, 2003
5,800 feet above sea level
2006 'Evil Stealth Black' Roadster
Obama to Issue Memoranda That Will Have Far-Reaching Effect on U.S. Auto Industry
President Obama is expected to issue two presidential memoranda Monday that will increase fuel efficiency standards and likely allow states to decide tailpipe emission limits.
January 26, 2009
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President Obama is continuing his reversal of Bush-era policies, issuing two memoranda on Monday that promote his clean-energy policy while having a far-reaching impact on the ailing U.S. auto industry.

The first memorandum will order the Transportation Department to work out rules for automakers to improve fuel economy. It will call for the department to notify automakers by March 2009 to increase their fuel efficiency for 2011 model year cars and trucks.

The second memorandum will order the Environmental Protection Agency to reconsider California's request for a waiver from the Clean Air Act -- a move that would allow California, the nation's most populous state, to set tougher tailpipe emission standards than apply nationally.

The president is expected to offer more details in the White House's East Room at 10:30 a.m. ET.

The memoranda mark further reversals by Obama of policies set down by his predecessor, George W. Bush. Last week Obama used his executive power to reverse Bush's policies on interrogation of suspected terrorists, the Guantanamo Bay detention center and funding for international groups that perform abortions or provide abortion information

The latest rule on California aims to reverse a 2007 decision by the Bush Environmental Protection Agency that touched off a storm of investigations and lawsuits from Democrats and environmental groups who contended the denial was based on political instead of scientific reasons.

California's proposed restrictions would force automakers to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 30 percent in new cars and light trucks by 2016. U.S. automakers have opposed the waiver, claiming it would create two different emission standards and therefore complicate methods of manufacturing vehicles with different environmental standards.

Senior administrations officials told FOX News that Obama will not order the EPA to back California's waiver -- though they say that is the certain outcome. The state's governor, Arnold Schwarzenegger, wrote to the president last week requesting that the waiver be granted.

Thirteen other states have already signaled they will follow California's lead in reducing tailpipe pollution. Approval of California's waiver would affect roughly half of all cars and light trucks sold nationwide.

Obama is also expected to order new guidelines on fuel economy. The law requires that by 2020, new cars and trucks meet a standard of 35 miles per gallon, a 40 percent increase over the status quo. The Bush administration did not set regulations in support of that law.

The president on Monday is also expected to tout proposals that he says would boost clean energy supplies while also producing jobs in so-called "green" industries.

Rep. Edward J. Markey, D-Mass., who chairs key energy and global warming panels in the House and is a chief author of the new fuel economy standards being considered, said Obama is keeping his pledge to fight global warming and rebuild the economy.

"This is an energy triple play that will cut global warming pollution, increase innovation, and reduce our dependence on foreign oil. It shows what a visionary president is capable of doing, and the faith he has in the economic revival that America's automotive and energy industries can produce," he said.

FOX News' Major Garrett and The Associated Press contributed to this report.

So let me get this straight: while the US Auto industry is being propped up with billions of taxpayer dollars, it's now expected to cope with requirements that will mean:

1) A change CAFE standards to mandate the production of smaller vehicles for which there is no market, and

2) Having to comply with separate emissions standards for a single state in the Union as part of it's manufacturing process.

And, all of this is being done because of a spurious belief that something called "climate change" is real.

Here's the appropriate metaphor for this: having just suffered a serious heart-attack, the patient is on the bed being delivered extremely expensive oxygen. Meanwhile, the doctor, worried that it might get hot some day fifty years in the future, has started to strangle the patient.
I think this will cripple the auto manufacturers..

This should have been don't back in the 70's but our spineless government didn't and now we have to yea for Obama someone needs to take charge and end our dependence on foreign oil.
This should have been don't back in the 70's but our spineless government didn't and now we have to yea for Obama someone needs to take charge and end our dependence on foreign oil.

I need some clarification, Redvett. Are you saying that an indecision, 40-years ago, by a democrat controlled congress, is to blame for the the executive decision of a democrat president, today, that spells a complexity in automobile production sufficient to bring about its end?

Is that what you're saying, today, in 2009?

anybody notice that within minutes of Obamas signing ....the news reported GM would be laying off thousands of workers....

Wonder if it was a response to Obamas ?
IF you think that things will be anything near the same as you knew/dreamed think again. It's over. We are now a socialist nation. You wanted "change" here it is. We will be getting more and more government control. At some point the government will decree that a corvette is stupid and must be taken off the road. In the 1960's political comedian Mort Sahl said that if the government built cars, they would be 2door grey Valiants.
I need some clarification, Redvett. Are you saying that an indecision, 40-years ago, by a democrat controlled congress, is to blame for the the executive decision of a democrat president, today, that spells a complexity in automobile production sufficient to bring about its end?

Is that what you're saying, today, in 2009?


I'm confused as well, California has wanted this bill or option or privilege for a number of years according to a CNN article yesterday. Personally, I don't think this is such a great idea right now, all things considered, and the changes don't go into effect for a couple of years, BUT that aside, I can only assume that buying a new car in California or these other states is going to be impossible if the auto manufacturers cannot locate or develope the technology neccessary, But I'm not sure. I don't know if the changes are possible or not, but it seems to be badly timed considering that the big 3 automakers are on the ropes already sales wise?;shrug
Obamas new EPA regs

In addition to my post above, I was and have for a number of years, wondered why is the smog emissions on and of automobiles under constant pressure and nothing is applied to say boats exhaust or the exhaust of lawn mowers or weed wackers or snow blowers or, well you get my idea. Plus for all of you who don't live near a major airport like I do, 1. Why does all these regulations on emissions apply to cars only?

For example: My wifes 2007 Jeep is painted a color called 'Stone white' and it's parked outside. After washing it, it takes about two hours for a fine mist of black dust to fall on it from Jets taking off from Philadelphia international airport. Why are the exhaust of jet engines not affected by these regulations? AND, can I expect that all the landscapers in California are going to be using push mowers in the future?

I don't see how you can single out auto emissions while ignoring all other gasoline powered equipment? Surely there are at least or close to it that there is as many lawn mowers and weedwackers in California as there are automobiles? Why do they get a pass and the automobile doesn't? I'm just wondering here?;shrug
How many gal of gas do you use a year in your Jeep?
How many gal of gas do you use a year in your lawn mower?

Not stating my belief just a question.
anybody notice that within minutes of Obamas signing ....the news reported GM would be laying off thousands of workers....

Wonder if it was a response to Obamas ?

2 words Nazi regime and a Fuhrer instead of a president this usurper will destroy the big 3 and end freedom of everything we cherish 1st amendment is next
The govt is a joke

What does a bunch of elected buearacrats know about making cars????

NOTHING !!! -- which is about as much as they know about running a nation.
How many gal of gas do you use a year in your Jeep?
How many gal of gas do you use a year in your lawn mower?

Not stating my belief just a question.

Me, not too much. But if I was a professional landscaper I'll bet the gas bill for the equipment is as much as the trucks that carry the lawnmowers, not to mention that the commercial lawn mores hold about five gallons at one filling. times that by say fifteen times a week and I'll bet your close to the truck that carries it all.

And i think i know where all the sales of the 'volt' are going to be, California !
Yes our government did nothing in the 70"s and now we have to catch up.
We Americans didn't need SUV's but wanted them now there going away. This CA fuel/emissions law is just a formality,what is the most stringent will be followed by all MFR's on all vehicles sent to every state. They do it now no building vehicles for each state.
As for GM laying off 2 shifts at car plants they also resumed production in Flint on 3/4 & 1 Ton trucks and cut some of there lay offs. This is going to go on until the buying public makes up there mind on what they want to drive. Next summer when gas is up people will be buying cars and not trucks.
Dont complain about the lawn mowers because in 2010 all new lawn mowers must have a catalic converter and snowmobile & ATV's have F/I on them now.
BTW the Cheverolet Silverado out sold the NEW ford truck last month. :-)
FYI from what i understand, the car manufacturers do not always specifically build a "cleaner" car for California, but rather they send the cleanest of the ones already produced. Since they have to test them all anyhow, the cleanest off the line go to CA. Conversely the dirtiest go to states that have low limits.
:W:W:W This is a reply to all you prophets, can you go to any other country and live your lifestyle you live here in Free America?;shrug:thumb
If my understanding is correct all future vehicles will now have to meet the most stringent regulations currently in effect accross the land. That or the car makers will need to make different vehicles for different markets.

It seems to me that a long time ago the commerce clause was put into the constitution to ensure that interstate commerce could occur efficiently. Now we are going back to individual rules for each state. Why would the Federal Government allow the states to set rules that affect states other than their own.

My best guess is that they don't care as long as the end result is environmentalist's making the rules. This is the same group that changed there definition of Global Warming to Climate change due to recent weather activity. Fact of the matter is the same people that can not predict the weather 3 weeks out with any consistent accuracy are going to change everything about the USA because of what they "think" is/could happen in 50 to 100 years.
Cat converters

Yes our government did nothing in the 70"s and now we have to catch up.
We Americans didn't need SUV's but wanted them now there going away. This CA fuel/emissions law is just a formality,what is the most stringent will be followed by all MFR's on all vehicles sent to every state. They do it now no building vehicles for each state.
As for GM laying off 2 shifts at car plants they also resumed production in Flint on 3/4 & 1 Ton trucks and cut some of there lay offs. This is going to go on until the buying public makes up there mind on what they want to drive. Next summer when gas is up people will be buying cars and not trucks.
Dont complain about the lawn mowers because in 2010 all new lawn mowers must have a catalic converter and snowmobile & ATV's have F/I on them now.
BTW the Cheverolet Silverado out sold the NEW ford truck last month. :-)

Thanks for the heads up Ralph, I wasn't aware that mowers and such were required to have cat converters and emissions equipment. I stand corrected ! Thank you.:w

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