Welcome to the Corvette Forums at the Corvette Action Center!

Just wanted to introduce myself and Get to know a few people!


Apr 21, 2009
Columbus Ohio
1984 Black Vette
Hi Everyone,
My name is Rockey.I joined the C.A.C. back in April thought it was time to introduce myself. Here is my story... I call two states home, West Virgina and Ohio. I own a 1984 Black corvette that I have dubbed the Bat car! (I think I am Batman lol)Wait a minute, I am Batman!!!
I purchased my Corvette in 1985 from a GM exc. In 1989 I spent quite a bit of money on the ext. of the car including new wheels. In Jan.1992 I wrecked my car on my way to put it in storage. :mad It was in storage for the last 17 years. (I hid it from my ex-wife) Long story. On april 24th of this year she was loaded on a flat bed and was taken to my brothers bodyshop where he fixed the split rear quarter and replaced the rear bumper cover ect.I spent a lot of $$$$ to get her back on the road. She just received a fresh coat of Black PPG paint plus a new set of tires and wheels. The final 1500 and 3000 sanding and the final buff is expected to be completed this weekend then she will be off to the vette doctor!
The members here have some very beautiful cars and I can't wait to show her off!!! Looking forward to making some new freinds! have a great day!
Let me be the first one to

Welcome to the CAC!

Show her off, post some pics. We love Corvettes in almost any shape or form. :thumb


What a great story about owning the same car for so many years and now bringing her back to her old glory...or better! Welcome...and post some pictures!!!

Welcome to the CAC, Rockey! What a rockin' great story to go along with a rockin' great Vette! :upthumbs

Welcome to CAC!!!
Welcome to the forum Rockey. :w Post some before and after shots.
Welcome Aboard. . . . . . . .

Welcome to the CAC family Rockey, glad you have joined us. Before and after pictures of your Vette would be cool. You will love it here, members are second to none and the staff is as well :thumb

Bill :w
Hope to see that bad boy at the next CruiseFest!
New to CAC

Welcome Amigo(Rockey),

I know your gonna like it here. I've been here for a little while and among the regular folks who are really a great bunch of folks, you'll find someone who has either experienced whatever your dealing with, and or we have a few 'Professionals'. But the most enjoyable part of being here is Rob, and the wonderful moderators. They all work very hard to kep house and that's why your gonna like it here. Also: There is a ton of information here on just about every Corvette ever built ! Glad to have you aboard ! :beer
Thanks everyone for the kind words!!!

:wI hope to be there! (Cruisefest).Killian your right in just the short time that I have been a member I have saved myself some grey hair:L I just spoke to my brother, ( Who owns a body shop;)
I have been nagging him to finish the final sand and buff on the batgirl. His reply is ..."With the brother discount" he is working me in in between jobs. I guess I have waited 17 years, whats another couple of weeks??
I wanted to wait to post pics. after she is complete but I think I am going to post a few from the first day thru the clearcoat! I will try to get them up in the next few days if anyone is intrested.
Where can I find photos of the members that has left me a welcome? I would like to put a name with a Vette!! Have a great day!
eewwwooo, an 84, don't you know those are the worst Vette ever made? :rotflJ/K
I LOVE all Corvettes and yours has quite a story. Welcome to CAC, there is a wealth of knowledge here, tap into it as much and as often as you like. BTW you can see my ride in my avatar......I used to have a 94, but old age is creeping up on me so I went to the "old man" Vette. :chuckle
eewwwooo, an 84, don't you know those are the worst Vette ever made? :rotflJ/K
I LOVE all Corvettes and yours has quite a story. Welcome to CAC, there is a wealth of knowledge here, tap into it as much and as often as you like. BTW you can see my ride in my avatar......I used to have a 94, but old age is creeping up on me so I went to the "old man" Vette. :chuckle

HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! I was 23 years old when GM announced that the new C4 would be available. Everybody was talking about it, I don't recall the negative then.:) It was a Corvette then and it's still a Corvette!
Just last week a guy came into my brothers bodyshop and was gaga over my car.He asked my brother what year it was and he told him it was an 84...He said what a shame you know that year vette is a peice of *&%#+@. My brother said, and your driving a 2001 ford mustang with a six cylinder Get Out!! lol Love my car!!
Welcome to the CAC Rockey. :w

We like before, during, and after pictures.

HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! I was 23 years old when GM announced that the new C4 would be available. Everybody was talking about it, I don't recall the negative then.:) It was a Corvette then and it's still a Corvette!
Just last week a guy came into my brothers bodyshop and was gaga over my car.He asked my brother what year it was and he told him it was an 84...He said what a shame you know that year vette is a peice of *&%#+@. My brother said, and your driving a 2001 ford mustang with a six cylinder Get Out!! lol Love my car!!

I don't understand, even in our own ranks, those that put down any other Corvette. A Corvette is a Corvette no matter what it looks like or what "mods" have been done to it. Without the previous models we wouldn't have what we have today. Yes, I have my favorites, but I don't dislike any of them. Welcome again to CAC.
eewwwooo, an 84, don't you know those are the worst Vette ever made? :rotflJ/K
I LOVE all Corvettes and yours has quite a story. Welcome to CAC, there is a wealth of knowledge here, tap into it as much and as often as you like. BTW you can see my ride in my avatar......I used to have a 94, but old age is creeping up on me so I went to the "old man" Vette. :chuckle

My 84 was the most trouble-free Vette I've owned. I bought it new in 83, and ran two 28 week high speed autocross seasons with it, winning the series (state) championship once and coming in second once. I ran through 6 sets of BFG Rs, and never broke anything on that car. By todays standards it was a slug, but it went pretty good in the gutless mid eighties. I'd like to have one to play with now. There isn't much driveway wrenching I can do on the Z06.

BTW- there is a crossfire 84 running 13 flat in these parts. Whatever he did is pretty cool, cuz' it looks stock.

Another BTW - I can identify with the "old man" Vette comment.
Everyone has their favorite model, year and color but I too like all Corvettes. A friend of mine @ work just bought a red 1986 C-4 a couple of weeks ago and it only has a little over 30,000 miles on it, it has the Doug Nash 4-Speed if your familular with this type, it has OD in 2nd, 3rd, & 4th, has only 230HP, little doggy but enough for him to have as much fun with it as I do mine and at least it has a good home. I too believe all the models before has made Corvette what it is today; "The All American Sports Car" and again :v

If I was Jay Leno I would have at least one each of every color, model and year made :cool

Drive them all like there very special becasue the bottom line is THEY ARE :thumb

Bill :w

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