Went to the dealer the other day to buy a new knock sensor, figuring to give that a go in my battle against the engine pinging I've suffered through.
Read some instructions, which said to drain the cooling system first. Heck, I said, how much coolant can there be in that part of the engine when it's cool and not running? I'll just remove the sensor.
So - lucked out with having a 22mm socket from another project. Placed a small bucket near to hand and crawled under the car.
First off, in order to retard spark, a knock sensor MUST BE HOOKED UP... Yep, that's right, the harness for the knock sensor was disconnected and tie-wrapped neatly out of the way so as not to hang on the exhaust and melt (which it apparently had at one time). Old knock sensor has broken connectors, probably why the harness wouldn't stay on, but WHY would someone deliberately disable it???
Anyway, worm my way around and unscrew the sensor. Blorp. Coolant comes out. Grab the bucket. Uh-oh. Coolant isn't flowing neatly out the hole but instead runing down the -starter, -transmission, -oil pan, - exhaust, etc. And guess what? It's not stopping!! Quick! Grab another bucket. Quick! Grab some shoprags. Quick! Make a dam on the garage floor. Oh crap, it's STILL not stopping. Just how much coolant is there IN this engine??
I think a good four gallons flowed out over the span of about 15 minutes. Oops... guess I'm changing the coolant today...
So finally I manage to get the new sensor in (there is NO room for hands above that starter, folks!) and realize that the end of the sensor harness is cracked and melted. It stays, but barely. Silver racing tape to the rescue...
This is apparently not a dealer-providable item. Anyone got a spare ESC sensor harness they don't need?
On the good side, there's only a tiny bit of pinging that quickly goes away and I can run the heck out of the engine with no pre-detonation, even with timing set back to where it should be (I hope). And it seems to start MUCH easier.
So hopefully that'll take care of my anti-performance issues...
Read some instructions, which said to drain the cooling system first. Heck, I said, how much coolant can there be in that part of the engine when it's cool and not running? I'll just remove the sensor.
So - lucked out with having a 22mm socket from another project. Placed a small bucket near to hand and crawled under the car.
First off, in order to retard spark, a knock sensor MUST BE HOOKED UP... Yep, that's right, the harness for the knock sensor was disconnected and tie-wrapped neatly out of the way so as not to hang on the exhaust and melt (which it apparently had at one time). Old knock sensor has broken connectors, probably why the harness wouldn't stay on, but WHY would someone deliberately disable it???
Anyway, worm my way around and unscrew the sensor. Blorp. Coolant comes out. Grab the bucket. Uh-oh. Coolant isn't flowing neatly out the hole but instead runing down the -starter, -transmission, -oil pan, - exhaust, etc. And guess what? It's not stopping!! Quick! Grab another bucket. Quick! Grab some shoprags. Quick! Make a dam on the garage floor. Oh crap, it's STILL not stopping. Just how much coolant is there IN this engine??
I think a good four gallons flowed out over the span of about 15 minutes. Oops... guess I'm changing the coolant today...
So finally I manage to get the new sensor in (there is NO room for hands above that starter, folks!) and realize that the end of the sensor harness is cracked and melted. It stays, but barely. Silver racing tape to the rescue...
This is apparently not a dealer-providable item. Anyone got a spare ESC sensor harness they don't need?
On the good side, there's only a tiny bit of pinging that quickly goes away and I can run the heck out of the engine with no pre-detonation, even with timing set back to where it should be (I hope). And it seems to start MUCH easier.
So hopefully that'll take care of my anti-performance issues...