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Question: Knock off knock off's???

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How do I know if my 66 knock offs are original Kelsey Hayes or reproduction? Also, does anyone have an idea what originals in good condition might be worth?
How do I know if my 66 knock offs are original Kelsey Hayes or reproduction? Also, does anyone have an idea what originals in good condition might be worth?

If they have the oval with "K-H" and "D49985" cast into the back side of the wheels (see photo below), they're Kelsey-Hayes wheels; if they don't, they're reproductions. Originals in good condition typically bring $7K-$10K for a full set. :thumb

Welcome to the CAC.

Welcome to the CAC!

You''ll save yourself a LOT of time by just doing what JohnZ tells you to do. Just Google him to see what he's done, he knows what he's doing.

If this is your first time with KO's you should ask for advice here about the proper way to install them. I can't remember all of John's advice but I did what he said and I also use antisieze grease just to make sure that I can get them off.

Good luck...

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