SpdFrk - It's not BAD - it's FREEDOM!
Don't let these PC "anti-drivists" make you feel their snake oil regulations are "enlightened." Most of what was agreed on was done so corruptly and undemocratically in backrooms away from voter reveiw that it made normal legislation look clean. They often pull a "bait and switch" and swap one body of regs for what they originally barely got support for passage for, all with the corrupt, biased press cheering them on. It was often - and still is - the shakiest of science too.
In some places like Texas, these arbitrary standards, which exempt government run operations polluting hugely have made owning a performance car more than a couple of years old but less than the 25 year old cut-off, registered in the larger population areas highely problematical. I have passed up some very nice ones because the "safety" inspection would probably never be meetable unless I start breaking laws and bribing people.
Take a look at acid rain and catalytic converters. Direct relation? You bet. To get rid of some unburnt hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide we convert lower nitrogen oxides to higher, more acidic ones. To fix a localized urban problem, we increase considerably the load of acid we dump in the rural areas. Some "earth lovers."
We could have lowered pollution output at the tailpipe and even much more at the refinery all these years with alcoholized fuel blends. I would love to burn some nice 20% gasahol or gasohol with 100+ octane for $1.10 a gallon. The sanctimonious "greenies" get furious at "children
starving for your
damned cars!" and the oil companies breath a sigh of relief at their industry not being compromised by agriculture. Other than some solid wastes from regular and destructive distillation, fuel mixed-alcohol production is perfectly clean, especially compared to petroleum refining and shipping, and oxygenated fuels are already required some times of the year in many areas. Apparantely our agricultural waste products are destined to feed children though.
As far as these silly, arbitrary, undemocratic pollution regs go, be happy you don't live in the once free USA.
By the way, I took a 600 Holley off of mine when I got it because the back barrels weren't getting fuel to them. (I also prefer the easy changeability of the AFB design, but I'm no carb tuner.) I've already promised the clogged thing to a friend though. Sorry!
I don't believe any of them came with 2-bbl carbs. It's possible, but I don't think so.
Hey - don't be so sure about NJ's regs. Call your State Trooper office or State Environmental Agency and ask what cars are subject to pollution inspections. Some may also be performance based and may allow alterations if equivalent equipment is present and it functions as well as the original. (Thus true duals with two performance cats could be OK, if they are even required.)