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Question: L81 or L82


Nov 13, 2012
Just bought a 1981, the vin number dictates it was one of those few produced si St Louis before they moved to Kentucky. I have been reading some conflicting info, the eight digit in my vin (engine type) is a 6, does this mean its an L82 with 230 hp? The manifold is not blue but I beleive it is dark aluminum. They say because of the change kentucky thsy used some of the L82 engines in St Louis.
All'81's were built with L-81's engines

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Bill is SPOT ON with his information in the preceding post.

"6" in the 8th position in the VIN denotes "L81" engine.

Another way to tell the difference between St. Louis and Bowling Green 1981 Vettes: St. Louis was still using lacquer paint. Bowling Green used Base Coat/Clear Coat painting.

The 11th digit in the VIN is as follows:

"S" (the letter S) denotes St. Louis build.

"5" (the number five) denotes Bowling Green.

Enjoy your Vette! :w
...Just bought a 1981, the vin number dictates it was one of those few produced si St Louis...

Most 81s were built at St. Louis. Production began in August, 1980 and continued through August 1, 1981 with 31611 cars assembled. The Bowling Green plant did not get in to production until June, 1981 and continued through the first part of October. 8995 cars assembled at Bowling Green.

...I have been reading some conflicting info, the eight digit in my vin (engine type) is a 6, does this mean its an L82 with 230 hp?...

No. The L-82 was an optional small block last available during the 1980 model year. For 1980, the 6 in the VIN indicates the L-82. All 1981 models, regardless of where they were built, have the L-81 engine. There were no optional engines available. For 81, the 6 in the VIN indicates the L-81 engine. If your engine is original, it's an L-81.

...The manifold is not blue but I beleive it is dark aluminum...

Your L-81 manifold is actually the aluminum L-82 manifold carried over. If memory serves, they are painted silver for 1981.

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