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Latest News on 2005 C6 Production Constraints


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Sep 16, 2000
New Hampshire
1990 Corvette ZR-1
<img src="/images/design/front/c6front.jpg" width="199" height="136" border="1" alt="2005 C6 Corvette" align="right" hspace="2" vspace="2" />If you have a 2005 C6 Corvette on order, this news is for you. For all the latest news on production constraints, please see:

2005 C6 Corvette Production Constraints
convertible top color recall

I ordered my corvette convertible with auto top with the idea I would receive the color combination I wanted which was with the beige top. I was made aware of the production delay regarding the auto top and was okay with that however not being able to receive the color I preferred is very disappointing. Why not offer those who wanted this color the option of swapping the black canvas top for the beige when the kinks are worked out. That's only fair since there is no break from the list price at least when I ordered mine. Any comments?
Thanks. Jimmy K.
I am a patient person but the problems with the beige top along with the other delays are starting to get my attention on the C6 vert I ordered.Will these delays give enough time to add the new 6 speed auto trans planned for 2006? If so the wait would be worth it. I was not aware of the QX1 Competition Grey wheels. Any pictures of these wheels?
Thanks in advance for any help.
Paul S
The GM news on Corvettes is a month old. Do you have any updates? I purchased a 1989 Corvette and endured the hassles of the dealership and GM recalls; sold the car in July 1994 and swore that I would never buy another vette. Started reading about the new Vette and had to have one. So much for swearing! And here I am with an order for a Millenium Yellow ragtop, Z51, polished alum wheels and am told you will just have to wait to pay your $60,000 and maybe, just maybe, you will have your car in 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 months. A vette is a vette is a vette, but why do we do this to ourselves? Are we just that dumb? Go into another dealership with the intent on buying a 60K car or truck and you are treated a hell of alot better and if there is a wait, you will know precisely how long. At least that has been my experience with BMW, even Ford and, yes, even Harley Davidson. What can we do to make it better? Are there better questions for the Chev dealership? ANy help out there?
DrNavyRet said:
The GM news on Corvettes is a month old. Do you have any updates? I purchased a 1989 Corvette and endured the hassles of the dealership and GM recalls; sold the car in July 1994 and swore that I would never buy another vette. Started reading about the new Vette and had to have one. So much for swearing! And here I am with an order for a Millenium Yellow ragtop, Z51, polished alum wheels and am told you will just have to wait to pay your $60,000 and maybe, just maybe, you will have your car in 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 months. A vette is a vette is a vette, but why do we do this to ourselves? Are we just that dumb? Go into another dealership with the intent on buying a 60K car or truck and you are treated a hell of alot better and if there is a wait, you will know precisely how long. At least that has been my experience with BMW, even Ford and, yes, even Harley Davidson. What can we do to make it better? Are there better questions for the Chev dealership? ANy help out there?
Understand what you say. Dealers in Florida want $5K or more deposit to ORDER a Corvette. That is nice if you can get away with it. I had to go out of state to make a $1K deposit. Part is marketing and the car is also a specialty item not one that is cranked out one a minute like Impala etc. Oh well ! supply & demand. If you find a solution Dr Navy Ret let me know
This is Tough Love

psimms said:
Understand what you say. Dealers in Florida want $5K or more deposit to ORDER a Corvette. That is nice if you can get away with it. I had to go out of state to make a $1K deposit. Part is marketing and the car is also a specialty item not one that is cranked out one a minute like Impala etc. Oh well ! supply & demand. If you find a solution Dr Navy Ret let me know
So if you and I want a vette then .....
Assuming you buy that, how long have you been waiting since plunking down your grand? Does the dealer keep you apprised of the "wonderful" no news regarding build #'s or build dates? Does he tell you of where you are in the que for next allocation? I have to extract each smidgen of info from mine. And I am not a dentist. I think I could get his attention with a stick in his eye. AT least, I could help him out then AND then, maybe, he would be grateful enough to part with all the "secret details." It's like being back in the Navy on deployment; if anyone asked where are you and what are you doing, I'd tell them that I could inform them of all that, but then I would have to kill them(:=)
I placed my order on Sept 14, 2004. The salesman has been great with calls about all delays and factory problems. It is unfortunate that all updates are bad news Not his fault. Sometime I wonder about GM. They have been in business designing and building cars for what? 80 years? and have to tell customers they can not get it right. I do get the feeling GM wants to build a good product, a change from the past.That opinion is from an old guy who might die before I get my new c6. Ha Ha
you all should have called me
500.00 deposit and i ship em to you.
Just shipped this morning a mag red convertible with hardtop to marco island.
have other cars on the way.
Put it in Your Will

psimms said:
I placed my order on Sept 14, 2004. The salesman has been great with calls about all delays and factory problems. It is unfortunate that all updates are bad news Not his fault. Sometime I wonder about GM. They have been in business designing and building cars for what? 80 years? and have to tell customers they can not get it right. I do get the feeling GM wants to build a good product, a change from the past.That opinion is from an old guy who might die before I get my new c6. Ha Ha

Since I ordered mine with all the options that have constraints on them (Millenium Yellow, Z51, Polished Wheels, power Convertible top) and just a mere 4 weeks ago, I probably will be dead before it comes. So I guess that I will put the "ordered vette" in my will so my offspring can fight over it. hahahahahaha

And to the chevy dealer in Ohio who says he can get the car ASAP; I will get my deposit back and go to you if you can absolutely guarrantee me that you will deliver the above vehcle and options along with the 1SB option by 30 March.
DrNavyRet said:
Since I ordered mine with all the options that have constraints on them (Millenium Yellow, Z51, Polished Wheels, power Convertible top) and just a mere 4 weeks ago, I probably will be dead before it comes. So I guess that I will put the "ordered vette" in my will so my offspring can fight over it. hahahahahaha

And to the chevy dealer in Ohio who says he can get the car ASAP; I will get my deposit back and go to you if you can absolutely guarrantee me that you will deliver the above vehcle and options along with the 1SB option by 30 March.

noone can deliver in 3 weeks
As far as yellow.... forget it.. the yellow is no longer orderable. they are coming out with a new yellow tho. I think it is called velocity yellow. they also deleted mag red and are replacing that color also.
I will however see what i have coming in on monday so if you like pm me and tell me how to reach you or call me.
So What's Coming In?

noone can deliver in 3 weeks
As far as yellow.... forget it.. the yellow is no longer orderable. they are coming out with a new yellow tho. I think it is called velocity yellow. they also deleted mag red and are replacing that color also.
I will however see what i have coming in on monday so if you like pm me and tell me how to reach you or call me.

You saw what options I want in the previous note. It must be a ragtop. Now what colors are you expecting and when are the vehcles arriving? You can send the list to me by clicking on DrNavyRet and emailing it to me. If I like what I see , I will call you.

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