So a few things to note here. Most products that are marketed as a lead additive, do not actually have lead in it ( hence no octane boost ). Those products are specifically formulated to help protect non hardened valve seats, and that's it. I can also tell you that these products do not really work. I have a 1970 lt-1 with non hardened valve seats and i just got done rebuilding my heads because i burnt up my exhaust valves.The lead that was in fuel of the 60's and early 70's is called, Tetraethyllead. It was and additive that prevented knocking, or detination in hight compression engines because of the huge octane boots you got with the additive.There is only a few products on the market that has Tetraethyllead in it, and they cost a ton of money. Same type of thing for most of the octane boot products out there. They are various forms of alcohol and don't really give u much of a boost in octane rating. If you want highter octane fule, the right thing to do is buy racing fuel, higher than 93 octane fuel if you can find it, or find a additive with Tetraethyllead in it.However if your car has hardened valve seats and does not knock or detinate, then there is no need to run a octane boost of any kind. If your car does not have hrdened valve seats, get a Tetraethyllead additive, or get your heads machined for hardened valve seat.