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Lights Out

  • Thread starter Thread starter Don Strausburg
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Don Strausburg

After putting in a new speaker on my 64 and putting thr radio back in the following problem occured. The glove box light, the clock light and the lights above my radio knobs will not come on. I checked fuses and made sure all was corectly attached. I have an electrical schmatic but its all greek to me. Any thoughts out there??????;help:bash
Do your dome light, taillights/stop lights/rear turn signals, license light, and gas gauge work? The black wire in the 3-cavity radio connector grounds the entire rear end of the car, through the second black wire that exits that cavity with a ring terminal on it and screws to the bottom of the lower instrument panel reinforcement just to the left of the radio.


Yes, the rest of the lights work properly.
Can somebody put up a pic of the scematic? I'm sure we could figure it out
The schematics I made are near the bottom of this web page: http://www.corvetteforum.net/classics/magicmachine

This is for a 64 with Powerglide and no A-C

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