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Local Corvette club, GM work behind scenes to fulfill dying member’s dream of seeing new C7 firsthand


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Sep 16, 2000
New Hampshire
1990 Corvette ZR-1
Local Corvette club, GM work behind scenes to fulfill dying member’s dream of seeing new C7 firsthand

by Jim Parker,
The Post & Courier
Charlestown, South Carolina


Chuck Sheldon checks out the 2014 C7 Corvette Stingray, which was brought to his Daniel
Island home April 7. He had been diagnosed with bone cancer and died May 9.

Chuck Sheldon had just finished mowing the lawn of his Daniel Island home when he came inside complaining to his wife Kim that his back hurt.

That was March 17. He visited a doctor and was told the shocking news: He had terminal bone cancer.

Within two months, Sheldon, an instrumental figure in the Coastal Carolina Corvette Club as vice president of membership, was dead at age 66. He died in his sleep May 9.

Between the grim diagnosis and his death, however, Sheldon was granted a much-desired wish. The former sales manager for Level Controls and then Daniel Island Real Estate got to see, sit in and enjoy a 2014 Corvette C7 that briefly stopped at his house.

Full Story: Local Corvette club, GM work behind scenes to fulfill dying member’s dream of seeing new C7 firsthand – The Post and Courier


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Sorry about the loss of a fellow corvette member, congrats to Chevy and GM to do this for him without a lot of fanfare
Very heartworming story. GM should be commended for this. Big Corporations like GM often lose touch with the customer
base they want to keep while trying to attract new, younger buyers. It is my opinion, this not so small act of kindness to a long time
Corvette fan will go a long way with us established Corvette lovers. This will not remain low key for long.

Way to go GM!!!:thumb

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