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Low fuel warning light

Apr 29, 2001
Rio Rancho, NM
1981 HD Suspension; ZN1 Option

I noticed that my car's low fuel warning light stopped working. I expected a blown light bulb, but replaced it and still is not illuminating. Has anyone had this problem? I made a search under low fuel warning light, gas gauge, gas light, low fuel, and the like but found no information in the CAC. I could not find a fuse for it on the fuse panel.

Do I need to purchase (if possible) the printed circuit board for the low fuel warning light? What else should I check?

Not really sure what to tell you, maybe have a look at a wiring diagram first. I know on the gas tank there are 2 electrical connections see this picture The obvious one is the prong connection at about 4 o'clock. The other is to the right of the filler, small press on connection. I don't know if either is for low fuel warning but you might want to check them too, they were pretty corroded when I pulled the tank out. You can access them without dropping the tank, just pull off the rubber thing covering the filler area.

My warning light doesn't come on until about 1/8th tank or less.

I remember that sucker when I dropped my fuel tank. It was corroded and a big pain to just remove the lead.

I am also curious about the small circuit board attached to the low fuel warning light bulb socket behind the center gauge cluster. I wonder if that is comercially available...do you know? Does anyone know? ;help
Gerry- the leads shouldn't be too hard to get off and clean if you have some curved needle nose pliers, shoot some electrical contact cleaner on them.

As for the circuit board I have no idea, try GM Parts Direct web site, http://www.gmpartsdirect.com/ I think that's it. Maybe a local dealer, Vette catalog. Try some of the Corvette Salvage places. If it's not available try Radio Shack, talk to one of the geeks in there to see if they can help. If memory serves me you can make one fairly easy, a little nail polish and copper sulphate, just copy the pattern on the board, cover the pattern with nail polish and drop it into a copper sulphate solution for a while....I know that's stretching things a bit, but it's late, I'm tired and feeling goofy :D

I appreciate your help...goofy or not...:L
I just purchased one from a member at Corvetteforum. This is a hard part to find as the vendors dont sell them. I tried several used parts places but also no luck. Best bet is to rebuild yours. If you know electronics it is not too hard.
Low Fuel Lite

i've got a similar problem in reverse my low fuel lite comes on when it feels like:confused . but the gauge shows the right amount? If you've got any sugestions I'd appreciate them.
As for your problem Gerry- if it's the printed cct board "Corvette Central" have them for $119.95. Regards


That is some wild cost !!!!!! :eek

That thing is abot 1/8 th the size of the tachometer printed board. Talk about price gauging... :j

I can predict that I will run-out of gas at least once in the near future.... :(

I am going to try the Radioshack Geek approach and ask for help there (substitute parts and the like). At work I have avionic's guys that can also coach me. It is nice to know that it is available though....thanks a bunch!
Low Fuel warning

If you think that that's a radical $ figure:j Have some sympathy for the Vette owners in Australia :cry /By the time we double the $US to convert it to $Aus then double the postage - get hit:bash with import duty :hb and any other govt tax they can think of -were so :duh we start to think - bend over (the rest is imagination):duh
Regards Petro
I hear you...


I guess I am che...I mean frugal...:L Thanks for the reminder of how much better we have it here in the USA for Vette parts. You folks outside of the U.S. pay dearly for your devotion to the Corvette Legacy....:BOW

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