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For Sale LS7 with American Heritage Performance heads BUT Known-Harmonic-Balancer-Failure

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Sep 8, 2021
Gilsum, NH
2007 C6 ZO6
LS7 for sale @55k mile from 2007 C6 ZO6. Located in Massachusetts near Springfield.

LS7 motor was running strong right until the crank pulley started contacting the cross member in front of i due to known harmonic balancer failure.

A video shortly before the motor was removed, showing an average day at the track. The dashboard shows oil pressure, rpms, water temp and acceleration:

The motor is stock except for American Heritage rebuilt heads at @50k miles.

I have Blackstone oil reports for the past 6 years of my ownership of the car, including one from July 2021.

I have always used Amsoil Racing Oil.

I had a fresh motor built with some additional hp, using a complete core motor I purchased. So this will be a complete long block.

Latest oil report below

$8k or best reasonable offer.


  • 07 Z06-210621.jpg
    07 Z06-210621.jpg
    177.1 KB · Views: 160
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A video shortly before the motor was removed, showing an average day at the track. The dashboard shows oil pressure, rpms, water temp and acceleration:

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